Guide for the Married Man III

I had been seeing Tony, the married man, for almost three weeks.  It was now early March of 1985, and for this brief but happy time, I found myself involved with a man who had to be one of the most energetic, kindhearted, over sexed, guilt riddled people I ever met.  And I could not get enough of him, warts and all.  Of course he was still with his wife, and I knew, deep down, that the chances of him ever leaving her were tantamount to a Democrat winning the White House (this was 1985, after all) - in spite of everything, I found myself obsessed with him, craving his touch, yearning for his company, happy just to hear his voice.

The first weekend in March, there was to be an awards ceremony for local radio stations, the event was being held in Atlantic City, and Tony shocked me when he asked I could come with him.

"What about your wife?" I asked.

"I hardly say a word to her these days, you know how it is, we stay married for the kids sake, and because she won't give me a divorce...she's torturing  me.  Besides, she hates these kind of events..."

"Who will you tell them I am?" I asked curious as to how he was going to pass me of to fellow DJs and radio folk.

He laughed and gave me that gorgeous grin of his, and his eyebrows went up as if he'd just worked out a major wicked plot of some sort, "If anyone asks, you are my cousin in town for the weekend - you came because my wife is home with the kids!"  He shook his head and then said, "See, see? Makes sense?"

I laughed and shook my head and said, "Sure thing, I can't wait to go with you".

We drove down to Atlantic City in his Ford Bronco, the whole way he kept grabbing at me on the passenger's side, trying to grope at my crotch, and I kept telling him to keep his eyes on the road.  We laughed a lot on the ride and I kept stealing glances at him.  His beautiful head of thick black hair that he wore parted center, his olive complexion that betrayed his Italian heritage, his dark eyes and his dazzling smile.  He was not classically handsome, but that did not matter in the least to me as he was probably the most decent guy I'd ever spent time with in my life.

We got to the hotel, a sprawling, huge monstrosity with a casino inside that sat at the mouth of the Atlantic Ocean.  Our room was on the 10th floor with a view of the boardwalk below. It was actually a very impressive lay out, actually more of a suite.  I confess, my jaw dropped as the bell hop ushered us in to what was to be our home away from home for the next two days.

After Tony tipped  and sent him on his way, he turned to me and smiled and said, "So, so?  Whaddaya' think?"

"I think I am never going to leave this room", I said checking out the oaken desk and marveling over the marble mantle over the fireplace.

I did not have time to check out anything else when I found myself in Tony's arms, he kissed me energetically and passionately, and then started fondling my crotch. I laughed and grabbed for his basket as well as he muttered, " Oh man, I think we are going to ruin our suits".

We were both dressed in suits as we were due at the awards luncheon at 1pm, and check in time at the hotel was noon, so to save time, we arrived in "grown up clothes".

I smiled and said, "Don't worry, Daddy, I got some tricks up my well dressed sleeve", and with that I pointed him to the bed which he flopped down on, his face blooming into an anticipatory grin, "Unzip and let me see that piece of meat", I said climbing on to the bed.  He obliged and let his rod free.  I licked my lips and then pinned his hands down at his side.

"Oh, playin' rough, are ya?" he said breathing heavily.

I did not say a word, but held his wrists firmly as I leaned down and took his cock into my mouth and started giving him the deep throat treatment.  He bucked, arched his back and let out deep sigh and then muttered, "Jesus, yes, ohmygod".

It took him less than a minute to shoot is load, and I swallowed all of it as he rammed his hips up and shoved his shaft deeper into my mouth.  He tasted salty and sweet and I savored his juice, letting it run down my gullet as he groaned in deep satisfaction, his body slowly relaxing and straightening out as he slowly caught his breath...

Finally, I took my mouth of of him and looked up.  His face was beet red, and he was smiling broadly at me as he said, "Where did you learn to suck cock like that?  I haven't shot a load that quick since I was 13!"

I smiled back and then turned to the clock next to the bed, "No time for pillow talk, buddy, we have to get presentable and show you off to the world.

In the huge bathroom, we brushed our teeth, arranged our clothes, and checked each other out.  He told me to stand still, and he gently combed my hair for me.  I couldn't recall the last time anyone had combed my hair - maybe my mom when I was a kid? - I wanted to kiss him again for this tender gesture.   A few shots of cologne and we were ready to go.
The dinner and awards were held in an opulent banquet room in the hotel.  We were seated with some of Tony's co-workers, and after he introduced me around, conversation was easy and relaxed.  Most of these folks were in the radio business, so all of them had melodious voices.  I had heard many of them on air over the years, so it was kind of odd matching the faces to the voices.  Be that as it may, the food was delicious, the company great, and when Tony won the award for the best Morning Drive DJ, it was the icing on the cake.   We drank expensive champagne, and I danced with several female DJ's (one who gave me her phone number!).  In short, we had a ball.


Back at our room, the door slammed behind us, and Tony took me into my arms and planted one long, dizzying kiss on my lips.  He held me so tight I could barely breathe, his long arms all over me, his hands settling on my ass.  As we continued making out, he roughly caressed my bum, squeezing it and fondling it.  When he finally pulled back from my mouth he whispered, "Watching you dance tonight, shaking that ass of yours, I almost popped a boner".  I grabbed his crotch and replied,  "All part of the plan, Daddy".

He smiled widely and laughed wickedly and said, "Oh , you are gonna' be the death of me, you bad, bad, boy".

We drew back into each others arms kissed roughly again, and then started undressing.  As he stripped, he never took his eyes off me.  

Naked, and on the bed, we rolled around kissing and humping, our cocks rigid and ready for action, our limbs entwined, our hearts pounding in unison.  He still smelled of the cologne he had put on earlier, and the smell was making me crazy.  The slight sand paper feel on the side of his face as it rubbed against mine was also turning me on.  And then he nipped at my  lobe and licked my ear sending a wave of shivers through my body.  His hot breath on me, his deep voice whispering that he loved me, that he needed me so bad - my brain was spinning and I almost squealed in delight.

Finally, he rolled me over and I watched as he slipped on a condom and lubed up.  He looked down on me longingly and then rammed his thick rod into my ass.  I stiffened up and let out a howl of pain as he went in deeper, and then I pulled him closer and yelled out, "Hurt me, daddy!"   He smiled wickedly and started fucking me at a crazy speed.  The entire bed was shaking and soon the riveting pain coursing through me was replaced with mind bending pleasure.  Grabbing hold of my cock, I stroked until pre-cum was slopping all over my right hand.  Tony looked down at the sap puddling around my mid-section and paused for a second, never taking his cock out of me, dabbed his fingers into it, and then put his fingers in his mouth and muttered, "Damn, you taste as good as you look".  I smiled and reached up for him, pulling him down until he was close enough to kiss.  He mouthed me sloppily and we made out while he slowly started up again, drilling me into a frenzy.  All the while the smell of his musky cologne, and the heat of his skin fed the need deep in me.

He pulled out of me and had me lay flat on my stomach, and then he slapped my ass a couple of times and mounted me from behind - once again I howled in pain and drew in a deep breath.  Suddenly I noticed the mirror over the dresser, I could see him on top of me and the sight of his body assaulting mine sent me further into a state of sexual bliss.  I could see the sheen on his back from the sweat, his muscles bulging in his lean arms, his long legs entwined in mine, and every now and again, he would flick his head back, and run a hand through that thick head of hair, pushing it out of his eyes.

We fucked for what seemed like an hour, when finally, he whispered in my ear, "Baby, I am gonna' shoot my load" - and with that he slammed into me three more times as he moaned gutturally.  I could feel his saliva spraying my neck while his body shook in pleasure...finally he lay still on my back, his hard cock still inside of me, his breathing harsh, his hands playing up and down my arms.

When he pulled out of me, I saw his cock was still hard and I said, "Lay next to me, rub that tire iron against my leg".  And while he did this I pulled on my prick, loving the feel of his rod against me, the feel of his wet skin.  He started kissing me on the face, his stubble giving me goose bumps.  And then he started playing with my nipples; flicking them, pinching them - and that's all I needed.  I gasped out loud as my body contracted while a monstrous wave of pleasure washed over me, and my dick sprayed out a geyser of juice that drenched my chest and some of his left arm...he moved in close and climbed on top of me as the last of my orgasm hit and kissed me softly while I shot the last of my load on to his groin.  And while we kissed, his own cock stayed hard, pressing into my thigh, and I lost myself in his arms and his masculine odor and his warm, damp flesh...
We showered together in the impossibly large stall, washed each others hair, soaped each others bodies, we even used the bidet attachment on each other - knowing that we'd probably be getting intimate again later on in the night...then he stood behind me and started massaging my shoulders as the hot water sprayed on my chest.  I braced myself against the shower wall with my hands and let my head fall forward as his big hands dug into my flesh, giving me goosebumps.  Then he stopped and pushed himself into me.  I could feel his semi-hard rod rub up against my ass as he put his arms around me and mumbled into my ear, "We gotta' be careful, kiddo, I think I'm getting a case of you"...truth be told, I felt the same way.

I turned to face him and kissed him again, grabbing his ass cheeks and pulling him closer.  I was so into him that I could not believe it.  If he was falling for me, then I was returning the favor - in spades.

After he left the shower, I turned off the water and grabbed a towel.  Tony was already back in the suite.  I brushed my teeth, took a leak, and then walked back out.  The room was dark accept for the small lamp on the desk.  The radio was playing some soft sugary sounds...he was standing in the shadows with just a t-shirt on, his cock soft and long hanging and slowly swaying as he came up to me and took me in his arms...we began slow dancing and he was very good.  Unfortunately, I was not.

"Just follow my lead", he said softly.  So I did and then it got easier, finally I lay my head on his shoulder as we continued , the music filling the air...oddly I did not feel self conscious, in fact I felt good. I felt safe, and more importantly, I felt loved - something I had not felt in a long time...we danced together without a word until the song ended and then he took me back to the huge bed.

to be continued...