The sheets on my bed were twisted and damp with perspiration and we were both sore, and sweaty and sated.
“Damn”, he said reaching for a cigarette, “You sure know how to show a fellow a good time”.
“Nothing but the best for poor college students”, I said laying flat next to him on my back.
I watched as blue smoke rose into the air making ghost images in the brilliant September sunshine that flowed through my bedroom window.
“Hungry”? I asked.
“Famished”, he replied.
I leapt from the bed and grabbed a pair of jeans from my closet and sauntered on into the bathroom to clean up. “Do you want to go out for a bite?” I yelled from the hallway.
“Could we order in?” He shot back, his voice flat and frank, always, like a punch line to some joke that only he knew he was telling.
“Sure”, I hollered back, as I turned on the sink and began giving my self a sponge bath.
An hour later, two pizzas arrived and we were camped out on the floor in the living room enjoying greasy faux Italian and a bottle of good red wine that Rick had brought. We talked world politics while we ate, both bemoaning that fact that Reagan’s America would pretty much become Bush’s America shortly. And then he asked me about Chris.
“Say whatever happened to your friend in Denver?”
“He got married”, I sighed. “He has a wife now and is living the American Dream.”
“Just like that?” He asked incredulously, “He went from being gay to straight?”
“It’s a long story”, I said pouring some more wine.
“I’m not going anywhere”, he said making himself comfortable … and so as my sweet young hitchhiker reclined on my living room floor, I told him the whole story…
“Damn”, he said when I was through, “That’s really, well I don’t know what to say. It’s kind of like since he could not have you, he cut off his nose to spite his face.”
“Something like that”, I said hoping to change the subject.
Rick saw the look on my face and moved closer to me, “Hey, he said, I’m sorry; I don’t want to dredge up bad memories…”
I turned and faced him, staring into those green eyes and that boyish, somewhat impish face and said, “No sweat.”, and then we kissed long and it was sweet and perfect; a Saturday kind of kiss full of sunshine and promise.
“Would you mind if I spent the weekend here? He whispered...
I smiled and said, “Rick, nothing would make me happier.” We kissed again and then I tousled his already unkempt hair and said, “Come on, reds, help me clean up this mess.”
After we cleaned up the living room and tossed the pizza boxes away, Rick took a shower while I poured myself another cup of coffee and pondered how we’d spend the next few days … more sex was a given, but what would we do to fill in the hours between orgasms.
He emerged from the shower looking crisp in a red t shirt and tight jeans. I wanted to eat him alive, he looked so cute.
So we spent the balance of the day running errands, walking a local flea market, going back to his hotel to check out and pick up his things, and finally to the video store where we picked up a John Cusak film.
Driving back to my apartment, the night had turned cooler. Rick smiled over at me from the passenger seat and his face seemed so familiar, like it was always supposed to be where it was, smiling at me.
“So, it’s cool if I stay the weekend? I have to be at Philadelphia Airport on Monday morning, I’ll leave the rent a car at Hertz and …”
“Of course”, I interrupted, “Rick, you can stay the rest of your life if you’d like”.
“Careful what you wish for”, he snorted.
Back at my place, we made our selves comfortable in the living room. Once more, he leaned back into the crook of my arm and we watched the video I rented and shared a couple more joints.
An hour into the movie and I was feeling very relaxed and began to nod off. Rick poked me in the side and said, “Hey man, your missing this Oscar contender”. I smiled goofily and shrugged my shoulders and then instinctively pulled him close and began kissing him.

We continued dry humping each other for some time, kissing each other exploring and playing, the pot magnifying the sensation of pent up lust.
He sat up for a second and took his shirt off, tossing it across the room and then began to tear at my shirt. Once I was shirtless, Rick went at my torso, licking and kissing my stomach and then slowly, maddeningly, making his way up until he reached my chest and then started sucking on my nipples, his tongue darting and stabbing at my rock hard tits. Every time he bit at them, I felt white hot explosions of pleasure shoot through my whole being. I’m sure I began groaning and Rick saw that it was good and so he kept it up.
Feeling playful I grasped him by his hair and guided him to my arm pit and he lapped at the sweat hungrily like a parched animal, “You taste good”, he said between laps, and so I lifted my other arm and put him to work on my left arm pit.
When he kissed me again, I tasted my own perspiration as well as his saliva. I reached down and began to undo his pants until I freed his cock which was soaked with pre-cum. I rubbed some of it off and put a finger in his mouth so that he could taste his own slime. He licked it up and winked at me as he adjusted him self so that he could get his pants off.
Sitting astride my chest lit only by the glow of the television he looked like some kind of renegade spirit, and angel with a dirty face ….
I reached up and began to play with his tits and he gasped and threw his head back and said, “Harder, pinch ‘em! Oh god, yes!”
I did as he asked and saw that his cock continued leaking juice all over my still buttoned jeans.
“Undo my pants, man”, I directed him.
With much finesse, he got my 501’s undone and released my own raging member. Spitting on his hand, he reached down and began milking me with gusto. I thought I was going to shoot it felt so good. And then he slipped a hand under my ass and began to finger my butt while he jerked me and I was off to the races.
“Ah, you dirty mother fucker”, I growled.
And then, he lowered his head and began licking at my ass. Every time his hot tongue punched up against my hole I gasped. I grabbed his head and held him down there while he licked me raw, my body wracked with spasms of pleasure.
Pulling him up, I lifted him up off the sofa in a bear hug and brought him down on the floor, propping him up against the sofa and attacked his dick, giving him a blow job that I hoped would send him back to the Rocky Mountain state smiling. I deep throated him and began to lightly tug at his nuts while doing so. Rick began to push at my face, his hand pressing at the back of my head until I took every inch of him, and even though I was gagging, I would not stop, I wanted my sweet hitchhiker to remember this moment.
He came in my mouth and it was unexpected and unannounced. One second he was bucking like an electrified pony and the next thing I knew he was shooting his seed down my throat.
“FUCK!” he yelled, as he threw his head back.
I got up and kissed him and let him taste his come again, and then I threw him down on the floor and threw his legs up over my shoulders, produced a condom that was lying in the drawer of the coffee table, and threw a fuck into him. He grimaced at first and then I saw that smile on his face as I fucked him and leaned foreword and kept kissing him while I made love to him. His asshole was so tight and it seemed to lock around my cock like his mouth, and I wanted to go deeper, I wanted to merge with him, to become one, and at that moment, when Rick said my name out loud, I shot my load and leaned down and we kissed as I came, one long, hard passionate kiss, a kiss unlike any I’d ever had in my life, a kiss that was magnified by the tsunami like climax I was having, a kiss that told me that Rick, my sweet hitchhiker, was something more than a fuck buddy, something more than a recreational pal in the carnal circus of life … that kiss made my heart open up and burst with love for this young man…
Like before, I was still hard after I came and this time, Rick said it. “Stay inside of me, I need you so bad.” I looked and saw tears in his eyes, and I leaned down, and kissed him gently this time, and whispered his name to him and his face looked up at me and I felt that I’d suddenly seen something I’d never seen before, in my life, I felt that I was staring into my future…
Our future…