It was in early November of 1977, just after my breakup with Stu, that I cashed in my chips (what little I had in the way of chips) and took an impromptu trip to Los Angeles. This was something I'd always wanted to do, and now, with nothing holding me back and my broken heart worn firmly on my sleeve, I took TWA flight 1812 from Philadelphia Airport to LAX and arrived in the City of Angels on November 5th with about 600.00 in cash on my person and a pre-paid stay at a ratty little hotel just off of Sunset Blvd; six days and five nights that cost me a whopping 96.00.
I was both scared and excited over this knee jerk thing I had done, leaving family and friends behind and traveling to the mythical kingdom of sin city ... a place where no one knew me and I could loose myself in unreality.
I did all of the tourist stuff ... took bus rides past the stars homes, saw tapings of several sitcoms as well as the Carson show, walked down Hollywood Blvd and checked out the hand and foot prints of the New American Gods, ( at one point I noted that my foot size was the same as John Wayne's), had a great night at the Whiskey-A-Go-Go seeing some outrageous punk bands while getting hit on by a beautiful woman who told me that she could get me a job in the movies if I went home with her ... yeah, it was all kind of fun and innocent and a welcome diversion from heartbreak and teen angst...well, I was still a teen so angst was part of that package I suppose.

I grabbed my shirt and dashed upstairs to my room and checked out the note I had been handed. An address on Mulholland Drive and a phone number were neatly printed along with a post script that read, "this is a private affair, discretion is a must". I put the paper on the side table and fell onto the bed and jerked off while I fantasized about the two pool-side gorillas and then dozed for about two hours.
After I showered and changed, I called the phone number and a pitch perfect voice, kind of like a radio DJ, asked where my location was. I told him and was then informed that a car would be there to pick me up in an hour.
The ride up Mulholland was mesmerizing. I sat in the back of the limo and noted that at every turn, as we traveled up the hill, I could see L.A. from the car's windows glowing below me like some psychedelic jewel...the driver, an older man, said nothing until he pulled up into a rather steep drive way and informed me that I was at my destination.

I rang the doorbell and stood by the wrought-iron gate that covered the door. The night was alive with a million different smells...jasmine and rose mingled with the faint odor of marijuana burning, pine, from the trees that surrounded and kept this estate hidden, was also prominent...
The door opened and a small, elderly man in a tuxedo answered the door and said, "May I help you?" I handed him the card I'd received earlier and he sighed taking it, and unlatched the gate around the door and ushered me in. Standing in the hallway I noted the painting on the wall of the famous movie star, his wife and their children ... the movie star sat in a large plush chair, his equally famous wife stood behind him, her hands resting on his broad shoulders, on either side of the movie star, his two children, two little girls, stood. They smiled benignly down at me as the butler pointed to a door at the far end of the hall and said, "In there, sir.
I walked the hallway realizing that it was about triple the size of my hotel room and as I approached the door I could hear the bass pumping's of disco music coming from behind it.

I saw that a bar was set up by the fireplace, so I made my way over, gently stepping over a few couples who were going at on the floor...there were bottles of soft drinks and wine as well as beer and liquor for the taking. I grabbed a can of Coke and poured myself a drink, though I instantly wished for something stronger as I was a bit on edge. As I was about to partner the cola with a shot of something 100 proof, someone came up behind me and grabbed my ass and said, "Yowza, kid, that's one nice tush!" I turned and my mouth dropped when I realized that I was standing face to face...well not exactly face, he was a good deal shorter than I... with the host of that odd-ball game show that came on late at night. The elfin man with the wiry, hairy body, whose cock was erect the entire time, turned out to be a charming, if not somewhat, crazy guy who tried to get me to do a line of coke with him. I turned his offer down and he smiled until his eyes squinted shut and said, "Good boy, you don't want to fuck with this shit..." and then he did a line on the bar and took my hand and guided me to a sofa where for the next twenty minutes or so he told me a very tall tale about his double life. I figured the dope was making him somewhat delusional but this was his trip, not mine, so I let him go on. Again, the entire time, his cock stayed at full alert. And then suddenly, with out a word, he got down on his knees in front of me and released my cock from the tight soccer shorts and began to give me head -- man, he was good, but quick. All the while, he jerked himself off while furiously sucking me. I pushed his head down, my hands flattening his somewhat unruly mop of salt and pepper gray hair...and then suddenly he stopped and looked up at me and said, "Don't come in my mouth."

After the episode with the game show host ended, I was left alone. I got up again and went to the bar and slipped back in to the shorts. I also managed to fix myself a drink, and drank it down quickly, following it with a straight shot of vodka. When I finished the shot, I was joined by several young guys all about my age, all in tight white soccer shorts. "Want to clean up, bud?" One of them asked. I nodded my head and was escorted to a small room just off the side of the bar. I walked into the dark room and found a sink where I washed my face and hands, and then took a wash cloth off a pile of neatly stacked linens and gave my cock and balls a quick sponge bath. The guy who showed me in, a very cute blond with shoulder length hair and piercing blue eyes, handed me a towel so I could dry off. Then he introduced me to the half a dozen other guys...I shook hands and nodded at my brothers in tight white and then the blond asked, "First time at one of these parties?" I nodded and he smiled and said, "Easy money, man. Keep 'em all happy and you'll leave here with some good walking around bread." And then another one of them, a lanky dude with a peace sign tattooed on his left pec said, "You picked a good night, not that many trolls here ... mostly some hot ones, and a few heavy hitters". Mutterings of acknowledgment concerning that pearl of wisdom passed amongst the group and then the blond told me that if the host liked me, I'd be able to come back whenever I wanted ... suddenly, feeling like a rube of the lowest order, I figured out the game. Me and these young guys were the paid entertainment for the assorted guests -- fucking A; three days in Hollywood and I was a now in a den of of Sunset Blvd hustlers ... what the hell was I doing?
Just then the other guys took off back into the main play room and I watched as the guy with the peace sign went down on his knees servicing that ruggedly handsome, older African American actor who played the father on that sit-com -- though the room was dimly lit, I could see the black man's face, his striking features looked better in person than they did on the tube, contort itself into a mask of pleasure... back further in the room, I saw that the young actor who'd I earlier seen being gang-banged, was now sandwiched between two of the hustler boys; and they assaulted him with gusto from either end...meanwhile, on the sofa, I saw a young actor who was currently in one of the biggest films playing the mall theater's back home. He was idly stroking his less than impressive cock watching the going's on...
The blond at my side said, "I'm Aaron". I turned and lied to him by saying, "Hey, I'm Walt." and he smiled and said, "Stick close, I'll cover you, man". I was oddly touched by his offer and smiled and was about to say something else when that hairy guy from earlier came up to the both of us and smiled. He was rather wolf-like in his appearance with a close cropped beard that accentuated his handsome face. He leaned over and whispered something into Aaron's ear; and then Aaron nodded and whispered something back, and then the wolf gave him a pat on the shoulder. As he walked back into the crowd, Aaron turned to me and said, "Walt, brother, we hit pay-dirt. Come with me." And I followed him through the den, to a door way that led to a hallway.

Aaron pointed to a small table where a couple of white t-shirts and sneakers were neatly arranged, "Find a shirt and a pair of sneaks that fit man, and be cool" he whispered again. I did as I was told and as I was lacing up the tennis shoes I caught glance of The Movie-star's equally famous wife staring my way from a framed photograph that sat atop a bureau. I looked away feeling stupid.
When I turned I saw the other guy, the one that had been blowing The Movie-star exiting the room. Then Aaron was at my side dressing, he smiled and winked and said softly, "It's a fetish of his, he likes us in these kind of get-ups..."
"Well, look at you two, a couple of front runners.", the manly voice of the Master of the house rang out. We both turned and saw he was now splayed out on the bed; his cock, long and stiff, bobbing as he moved to make himself comfortable.
Aaron took my hand and led me to the foot of the bed and The Movie-Star reached for something, a remote control, and pointed it at a bookshelf, and then a reel-to-reel tape deck clicked on and Diana Ross began singing...slowly, sexy; A Love Hangover was pre-ordained.
"Come here, son" he motioned to me, "make yourself comfortable". I felt Aaron nudge me some and I made my way to the bed and then found myself in the embrace of this famous man who took me in his arms and said, "God almighty, son, you are a real find...I am going to have to give Guido and Sherman a big raise" (Guido and Sherman, the two gorillas no doubt). He handed me a goblet of red wine and I obliged taking a healthy gulp, and then he pulled me towards him so I was laying in the crook of his arm (my god he smelled like expensive cologne and power -- if power had an odor), and then he said, "Aaron, give us a little of that dance you are so noted for", and the next thing I knew Aaron was bumping and grinding to the disco beat that was slowly building. As wired as I was, I took note that my new buddy had quite a bulge in his shorts as well as a primo ass...he danced like a snake, slowly, teasing that he was going to remove his clothes, but ultimately staying dressed...then The Movie-star sat up and joined Aaron, dancing with him. I watched, still stunned over what I was seeing, and then Aaron pulled me on to the floor and the three of us began to boogie to the cheesy song playing ... maybe it was the wine, or the drink I'd had earlier, but I felt myself start to loosen up and begin to enjoy the scene...this was actually fun...The Movie-star grabbed my hips and swayed with me for a bit and then put an arm around Aaron and the three of us were facing each other, every time he laughed, The Movie-star put me in mind of his famous persona...he was by no means a young man, but he was aging beautifully and he was still magnetic ... and holy fuck, I was dancing with him in his bedroom!
And so it continued for almost twenty minutes or so, the three of us in our own private Studio 54, and somehow, between bumping and grinding, drinks were shoved into our hands and we partook and partied and it was good...
When the song finally ended the three of us feel onto the bed laughing and The Movie-star said, "Boys, you have worn this old man out". Then he lay back in the bed again and with out any fanfare said, "OK, now let me watch you two fuck each other."
He told us to remove our clothes, which we did, and then (since every actor really wants to direct I suppose) he told us exactly what he wanted to see. I supported my self on the edge of the bed while Aaron fingered my ass and then entered me. I closed my eyes for a second and then let out a deep moan. Soon I felt my new friend shoving against me and it felt good as he fucked me, and when The Movie-star told him to slap my ass, hard, I yelled out and I saw that he was jerking off while we were going at it ...

My cock was still stiff and inside of Aaron, I wanted to keep going, but The Movie-star got up out of bed and said, "Thanks boys, you can go now, oh and see Jeffers on your way out. He has something for you".
"Shit," I said, "That's it?" I asked incredulous.
"Dude, this must be your first time," Aaron said pulling away and reaching for our shorts..."Trust me, you'll get off later".
I gathered up the shirt and shorts and dressed and followed the hustler down the hallway to another room where I found my clothes neatly pressed and hanging . Next to the clothing were a couple of wicker baskets where we disposed of our tight shorts, t-shirts and sneakers.
Now fully dressed I watched as Aaron buttoned up his shirt and tucked it into his rather snug jeans, "Pay day, dude!" he said smiling wickedly and as if on cue, the butler, Jeffers, came in and handed us both an envelope and said to us, "He would like you both to come back on the 17th. Be here at ten, good night gentlemen". And after that pronouncement we were shown the door.
Outside, I noted the gorillas were gone and Aaron said, "Come on we can share a limo..."
The night was still and very warm. I thought of what it must be like back home now in New Jersey; cold, wet, gray...how could anyone go back to that when they have tasted this?
In the limo, Aaron told me to open my envelope. My eyes almost popped out of my head when I discovered seven crisp one hundred dollar bills, I turned to my new friend and found him fanning himself with his lucre, he winked at me and yelled up to the driver, "Home James"... and the car descended the mountain, and I felt like I'd just left Olympus and was now returning to life amongst the mortals...Aaron put his hand on my knee and said, "Care to hang with me for a bit?" I nodded my head and then turned as the warm California night blew it's promise of all kinds of tantalizing dreams through my hair by way of an open car window.
Aaron turned on the radio and the sounds of The Rolling Stones filled the air; Gimmie Shelter...
The Limo drove on.
END. Part One:

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