1: The Werewolf of Topanga Canyon
I'd met him at the Movie-star's house on that fateful night; the same night I'd met Aaron. His name was Lucas Steele and he was one of those behind the scenes guys, he worked for a large movie studio as a script consultant...he explained it to me this way, he said, "They give me crappy movie scripts and I punch them up, make them, or at least I try to make them, better."
He was telling me this while I was lying next to him in his bed in his rather rustic home in Topanga canyon.
"Look, " he said reaching for a pile of scripts that sat on the bedside table, "Here's an example. Do you think anyone is going to want to see a movie about a race car driver?" He handed me a dog-eared script and I remember marveling over how all the pages were held together by staples, like a rather large book report a high-school student might turn in for a senior year assignment. I paged through it and noticed the coffee stains and the amount of notations made in the columns in red ink...
"Nope, no one, but if fucking Burt Reynolds says he wants to make a movie about a race car driver, the studio drops a million and there you go. Now it's up to me to salvage this fucking piece of garbage and give it some sense of coherence".
Late afternoon sunlight lit his handsome face. Natural blond highlights ran through his thick head of hair, his beard was dark, as dark as his intense eyes. His body was carpeted with a fine rug of fur...he looked like a werewolf.
He continued talking as I put the script down on the floor next to the bed and said to him, "Mr. Steele, you seem tense, can I help you?", and then i let my hand fall to his cock which I gently stroked.
He smiled and his teeth were white and blinding (come to think of it, everyone in Hollywood had impossibly bright smiles), "Right you are...so uh, would you mind sucking my cock?"
His request was so polite, it really made him more endearing.
I went down on him and sucked him off to an orgasm. I let him come in my mouth and swallowed him.

Later on, after I had used his bathroom to clean up, he met me in his living room and offered me a cup of coffee. I accepted and sat on the sofa. On the coffee table was a fifty dollar bill, "That's for you, Walt. Thanks, I really needed a little roll." I smiled and wondered why a handsome, successful guy like this had to pay for it. And as I shoved the money into my pocket he said, "Listen, If you ever get tired of hustling, well I could...that is, I would love to hire you exclusively as a sort of personal assistant. You could live here with me, I have a guest room and a pool", he paused and I saw that he was actually blushing and once more I found him endearing, and then he continued, "and if not, well that's cool also."
I got up from the sofa and said goodbye and I was heading for the door he added one more thing, "Oh and Walt, even if you don't take me up on my offer; at least get out of this racket you're in...you seem to have a brain. Maybe you can make something of yourself..."
The whole ride back to Burbank in Aaron's VW Beetle, the werewolf's words echoed in my head. Truth be told, his advice was the most intelligent I'd heard anyone say since I got here...so of course, I paid it no heed.
2: Fucking The Days Away For Pay
Time seemed to be flying away in California...every day there were more parties to attend, or private engagements, and of course street hustling...I was getting damned good at it...my cock would rise for anyone at any time provided money was involved. Like the time this woman picked me up (a first!) on Sunset Blvd. and asked if I would come home with her, she offered me 150.00 if I would fuck her husband while she watched. That was, by far, the kinkiest thing anyone ever asked me to do. I agreed and when we pulled into the drive way of her swanky home in Bel Air she said, "Promise one thing", as she handed me a wad of cash, "Promise me that you'll make him scream in pain...that's all I ask". I figured we had some kind of marriage melt down going on here, or a humiliation scene. Whatever, when I walked into the bed room and saw her fat sack of a husband, I closed my eyes, thought of the money and fucked him until he, begged, actually begged, me for mercy; and all the while, his wife sat silently on a chair across the room smoking cigarettes. When we were done, and she was driving me back to Sunset she gave me another fifty and said, "That was just what he needed"... And then there was the time we went back to the Movie-Star's mansion up on Mulholland and, just like before, Aaron and I were summoned to his bedroom, and just like before there was some guy on his knees giving the Movie-Star
head; but this time, I recognized the guy blowing him, it was that beautiful young actor who specialized in playing sensitive young men...The Movie Star had us double fuck the beautiful young actor while he jerked off on his bed. This time, though Aaron and I both got off and the beautiful young actor, later on, asked for our phone numbers...
3: Aaron the Anchor
The only sex I was still enjoying was with Aaron. We'd get it on at least twice a day, and every time it was great...what sealed it, was that Aaron and I had fallen for each other in a big way. I mean, we were crazy in love and I think it scared the both of us to some extent. But more often than not, we acted as stabilizing forces in each other's lives. Anchors in reality so that we'd not drift to far off into a sea of insanity.
For this short, but wild time, I found myself happy, in love, and financially secure. Not a bad deal for a 19 year old punk . I never wanted 1977 to end!
4: The Palm Springs Fuck Fest
It was the first Saturday in December when Aaron and I were invited to a house in Palm Springs. It seemed that this businessman from the East Coast had rented a home in the dessert and wanted to fill it with horny young men for the weekend. According to what we were told, the client was just going to watch and maybe take some pictures as we fucked around and had total run of his rented palace. Aaron told me that we were all going to be paid two hundred a piece, as well as have free food and drink for the entire weekend.
It was maybe ten degree's warmer in Palm Springs so it felt like late summer when we arrived on Saturday morning. The house was a sprawling rancher that was surrounded by a high wrought iron gate on all sides. The parking lot was filled with cars in various stages of disrepair, it was obvious that whomever was inside were not A-list celebrities.
The businessman, a jowly fifty-something-year-old, greeted us at the front door. He wore Bermuda shorts, a Hawaiian shirt, while around his neck, a Yashica MG 1 camera hung. He shook our hands and said, "Make yourself at home boys, come on in and meet the others"...
Once inside we saw many familiar faces; most of the hustlers that I'd met at the first party at the Movie-Star's house were there. A few guys I did not know, but it was all good as I gazed upon the pretty young men...already there was some action going on as a couple of guys were fucking each other by the fireplace and blow-jobs were being given by a a redhead with a peace sign tattooed on his left pec...but most of the others were standing around talking, the smell of marijuana heavy in the air and the golden desert sun illuminating everyone and everything streamed in through the open windows. This was sexual paradise.
Aaron and I took everything but our briefs off.

We both wore virginal white BVD's, fresh from the package this morning, and then folded our shirts and jeans and put them on a bureau by the front door. As we made our way through the guest, back slaps and salutations were shouted. A cute little blond came our way and offered us a toke of a joint he was smoking. The kid looked to be about fifteen with his doe eyes and flawless skin. He wasn't wearing anything and I caught site of his cock which looked to be the size of a small long range missile, later on Aaron told me that the kid was known as, "The Tripod" because of the size of his member. I was shocked to find out that he was actually twenty seven!
Feeling mellow and aroused after the joint, we joined a couple of guys who were fucking. It's funny how you do what's expected of you when your are sexing for bucks; everyone knew this was just a show and that we were all just playing a part. Anyway, Aaron sidled up to me and said, "Ready to earn some money?" I nodded my head and followed his lead...the fuckers were near the fireplace, the tall one with the smirk on his face was robotically banging the darker one, the one who seemed stoned and slightly removed from it all.

Aaron stood behind the fucker and began feeling up his ass he motioned me over and we both began massaging the top guy's bony butt. Just then the businessman showed up and said, "Don't mind me fellows, just have at it", and he began shooting pictures. Somewhere, in the deepest recess of my brain, I heard a voice say,
Wouldn't it be funny if these pictures show up someday and your family sees them...I shook my head and focused on the task at hand, and got in front of the guy who was being fucked. Releasing my cock from my briefs I unceremoniously shoved my dick into his mouth and he began sucking me off.

Meanwhile, Aaron pulled the robot fucker away from his quest and took over, seriously pounding the bottom boy. Soon we were surrounded by the others but I just kept looking over at Aaron who would smile and wink at me while we went at it...all the while the sound of a camera clicked away...
Later on I found myself on the sofa while this guy named, Elliot, was kneeling in front of me sucking my cock...he was good and I found myself enjoying it...directly across from me, Aaron was being serviced by another guy, again we made eye contact and again he smiled and winked
my anchor...and then I heard the camera clicking again.
Led Zeppelin's Cashmere was playing in the house, while a group of us had made our way to the deck outside. Blankets were spread and Aaron and I joined three other guys who were making out . We shared a joint first and then fell into each other's arms...the pot and the heat had my head swimming and my cock so hard I thought it might burst. The arms, legs, and chests of the others were dripping with sweat. Someone was fingering my asshole while someone else was kissing me... I went with it ... then Aaron was in front of me, his cock in my face, I began sucking it while someone came up from behind and began pinching my nipples...

then we all shifted and I was flat on my back while the guys were all feeling me up, their fingers, in unison, worming into my tight ass...I kept stroking my cock while they manhandled me. I turned and saw Aaron, his head of blond hair tousled from the desert wind, his biceps bulging while playing with my ass...one of them leaned down and bit my left nipple...I might have had seven or eight fingers in me when I shot my load straight up...one of the guys rubbed some of my semen on to his chest and we shifted again, and two guys began fucking while the rest of us knelt in front of them, working our cocks and then Aaron leaned over and kissed me and I surprised myself by shooting again, and that seemed to set off a chain reaction of cum until all of us were spent and collapsed on top of each other in a pile. And when I finally turned I saw the businessman with his camera clicking away.
And it went on like this for the entire weekend...you'd fuck, get off, wash up, eat something or drink something, maybe take a nap, then take a shower and start all over again...the businessman and his camera never far behind.
So on Sunday night as we were getting ready to leave, Aaron told me to call the businessman over and ask for our pay. He said he wanted me to distract him for at least ten minutes, but he would not tell me why.
I found him in the kitchen, for the first time in days, his camera was not around his neck, and I told him we were leaving. He smiled and handed me an envelope and then turned back to the sink and I said, "Well, I wanted to thank you for a good time." He smiled again, and in the kitchen, under the neon light, I saw how homely he really was, but I stayed cool, "Why not let me give you a blow job, no charge". The man flushed red and said, "Really?"
I got into his space and moved him until his back was to the refrigerator and he giggled like a school girl as I reached for his crotch...
Just then Aaron popped his head into the kitchen and yelled out, "Walt, come on man, let's get a move on!"
I pretended to be disappointed and said, "Sorry, man maybe next time..." and ran from the kitchen.
In the car, I noticed that Aaron had a towel under his arm that was plainly concealing something. He threw me the keys and said, "Floor it dude!"
We pulled over an hour later and he showed me what was wrapped up in the towel. It was the businessman's camera and about ten rolls of film. We got out of the car and tossed the film cartridges into a ditch just off the highway and then smashed the camera and tossed it into the ditch. We stood for a moment taking in the bare landscape watching the sun go down, and Aaron turned to me and smiled and said, "Well, do you want our pictures showing up in a porn rag?" I laughed good and long and then we headed back to the car...