1: The Coach's Story
Rick was away in Ohio visiting his family, so when I got a call from Don Rockman inviting me over for a drink, I told him I was coming stag. He said that was OK, because Elliot, his boyfriend, was working, and he had the entire afternoon to himself.
Don's place was an impressive home in a rather swanky town in Southern New Jersey. I was duly impressed not only by the Victorian abode, but by the BMW that sat in the driveway.

Over a couple of glasses of scotch, Don and I sat in his living room and shot the breeze. I could not help but notice that his taste in furnishings was a lot like him. Simple, non-fussy, but ultimately very comfortable and inviting. The dark wood that paneled the walls and the plush leather chairs and sofas seemed like an extension of the man himself.
He asked me a lot of questions about myself, and I had to admit that it was kind of fun watching his jaw drop as I told him about my lost weekend in Los Angeles .
"You hustled?" he said, his eyes wide, "Come on, you're pulling my leg!"
"God as my witness", I said as I sipped the scotch.
He really seemed interested in my relationship with Chris. And he nodded his head when I was through telling him about that saying, "I guess he toughened you up."
"To say the least", I replied.
And then he said, "But, and I'm not passing any judgments here, but that whole relationship sounds like it was pretty dysfunctional. I mean I like to play rough, but sounds like Chris had some issues."
"I guess he did. I guess we both did.", I sighed and then added, "But it was what it was. You can't un-ring a bell".
And then it was his turn, and for about an hour, I sat silent as Don told me his story ... his upbringing in Maine, his distant father and mother, his first homosexual experience in college, a failed marriage, a narrow escape from being drafted to Vietnam, the many friends and lovers he lost to AIDS, his career as a physical education teacher ... I was spellbound by his tale. He was almost twenty years older than me, and it seemed he came of age in a whole other world.
When he was through he poured another glass of scotch for himself and offered me one and then elaborated on teaching, "I loved teaching, especially gym class. Not just for the reasons you might think, it made me feel good to watch my kids achieve goals that they thought they never could. I coached boys football, wrestling and even helped with girl's lacrosse," he paused smiling, "I think any girl who joins the lacrosse team is pretty much a lesbian in training!"
We both laughed and then he continued, "I guess it was around 1988 when I first laid eyes on Ell. Even in 11th grade, he was a strapping kid. As a rule, I never become fascinated with any of my students - what was the point? They were just kids, and the last thing any of them needed was their dirty old gym coach coming onto them. But man, I gotta' tell ya' I could not get that kid out of my head. I coached him in Football for two years running, and it was during the final game of his senior year, about fifteen minutes left in the game, he came up to me on the sideline, just before he was about get into a huddle and said, real quick, in my ear, If we win this game, I want you to fuck me coach!" He paused and looked at me and I asked, "So what happened?"
"We won the game", and afterwards I called him into my office and pretty much read him the riot act. The poor kid looked so damn dejected. But what was I supposed to do? He was only 17 and he was a student of mine."
"Well, you did the right thing", I offered.
And then he said, "But Ell was persistent. Right on up to graduation, he was constantly giving me the eye. And yet, I held fast. And then, a few months later, after graduation, at this bar over in Cherry Hill - I'm with a few of my buddies having a beer, and he walks in," he paused now shaking his head and chuckled, "Damn stud walks right up to me and hands me his driver's license and says 'I am no longer your student, and I am legal in this state. Then he hands me his phone number and..."
"The rest is history", I finished.
"Something like that.", he chuckled again and went on, "Man when I took him home it was like fucking a wild stallion. I broke his cherry - so to speak - I'm surprised the neighbors didn't hear, Ell made a lot of ruckus that first night."
"He looks like an enthusiastic guy", I said smirking.
This time Don let out a roar of laughter and said, "Enthusiastic is putting it mildly, he's a fucking wild boy! Of course, you know how it is with the younger guys, gotta' keep in line sometime."
"Break 'em in", I said absently.
"That's right, a firm hand and some discipline turns a boy into a man.", he said

"And it makes for a hell of a great fuck", I added.
Don smiled at me and said, "You're a funny guy, but you know what I mean. Have you ever had to take Rick to the woodshed? So to speak."
I told him about that time, a few years back, when I had spent a night putting Rick through the paces in my old basement - the night that ended with me "branding" him with a cigar. Don nodded his head as he absentmindedly rubbed at his cock which was now hard and thick and showing plainly through his pants.
"Maybe we should get our boys together some time and show them what it's like at the hands of another daddy."
"I like how you think, Coach Rockman", I said, my own cock now throbbing, "But maybe we can get to know each other a bit better first."
He was on his feet, his shirt discarded and flung over the easy chair he'd been sitting in, "And I like how you think. Come on, let me show you to the bathroom so you can clean up a bit."
2: Man Fuck
Don's bed was huge, what they called a California King. Sitting next to it was bedside table that was filled with condoms, lube and couple of towels. His closet door was open revealing a collection of plain white shirts, jeans and khakis as well as two Armani suits. At the other end rugby shirts, jeans and some other more youthful apparel was hung. I assumed that was Elliot's end of the wardrobe.
When I walked into the room, Don was naked, his hairy muscular body looked better than the first time I'd seen it at the club a few weeks prior. His cock stood up and out and pointed slightly to the left. I walked up to him and he turned around so that I could check out his ass, which was a primo piece of muscular beauty with a coating of some hair on it. I reached around and went for his tits.

He turned around and faced me, he went for my tits, twisting them roughly and then he said, "Nice chest". And then he curled his right hand into a fist and punched my left pec. I did not budge and he smiled and then said, "Go for it". So I gave him a sharp punch back and watched his smile get larger as I hit his rock hard pec.
There was no kissing, not even a pretense of anything romantic. He just pushed me down on the bed and I listened as he undid a condom and then felt him push his way inside of me. I opened my mouth and bit down on the bed covers as Don's piece went all of the way in. He paused for a moment and said, "Nice tight ass". And then he slowly rode me until the pain morphed into a pleasure that I had not felt since Chris had last fucked me. I found myself raising my ass in hopes that he could go in deeper ... I felt my self wracked with dark feelings of bliss as he masterfully continued on top of me.
And then he stopped and pulled out and said, "Damn I thought I

I followed his lead , but first I thought I'd give him a little five finger exercise. So I lubed up my fingers and slowly opened him up with my hand until I was almost mid-palm up his ass. He was groaning in contentment as I did this. I knew I had him now, so I pulled out, slipped on a rubber and lubed up and proceeded to fuck him.
"Yeah, man", he said as I pounded at his ass, "Give it to me good, solider!"
Once more I found myself in a state of boundless pleasure as I rode this big man . But then he bucked and threw me off of him, and turned and took me in his massive arms and got me in a bear hug and surprised me with a good long wet kiss.
We fell back onto the bed, and began jerking off - it took us a matter of seconds before we both shot our loads while we cursed up a blue streak.
Afterwards, he lay there chuckling again, and when I asked, "What's so funny?" he replied, "Nothing, I always laugh after a good fuck.", and then he added, "Been a long time since I had no-strings fuck buddy - especially one so good".
"Yeah", I said sitting up looking for my underwear, "That's what my buddy Stu would have called a real Man Fuck".
He looked at me quizzically.
"A Man Fuck is just about getting it on, to get off, no hearts and flowers, dig?"
"Dug." He said pulling me back to the bed, "Don't be in such a rush, want some lunch?"
3: Late Lunch
We ate a couple of steaks that Don had broiled to perfection. Sitting in the dining room of his home, the stereo played old rock and roll music from the 50's - Blue Moon you saw me standing alone- I commented about the music and he said, "Something about those tunes, sort of melancholic, haunting. I've always loved that era of music."
After lunch we sipped coffee and discussed Rick.
"So you think he'd be up to play?"
"Yeah," I said, "he's one tough little fucker - full of surprises."
"Isn't it funny," Don said pouring some more coffee, "how we sometimes talk about them like they are our sons?"
I sipped my coffee and nodded my head and said, "Well, in a way, aren't most gay men trying to come to grips with their fathers? Straight guys always seem to marry women just like their mother's - and straight women look for father figures. It only stands to reason."
"How much older are you than Rick?" He asked.
"About nine years."
"Yeah, well I've got almost thirty on Ell."
I laughed and said, "OK, well, I guess you do have that daddy thing going on with him!"
And then we finished our coffee and talked of inconsequential things whiling away the rest of that late October Saturday afternoon.
4: Who Killed Laura Palmer?
Rick got home from Ohio that following Sunday morning; that night while we were watching Twin Peaks I asked Rick how he felt about a little get together with Don and Elliot.
"You mean that cute football player stud and the older hunk? From the club?"
"The same", I nodded.
"Hell yeah!" He exclaimed shifting on the sofa.
Then I told him about the lunch date I had with Don. I was always open with Rick about any extra circular that occurred. He nodded his head and asked, "Did he top you?"
"Well actually, he fucked me first and then I fucked him."
"Cool", he said rubbing at his crotch, "I would have loved to seen that".
I nudged him and called him a pervert and then he lay, resting his head in my lap and said, "OK, I don't want to get horny now, I want to see if they show who killed Laura Palmer tonight."
As he lay there, I absentmindedly ran my fingers through his thick head of red hair. Meanwhile on TV, a midget danced and spoke backwards; subtitles showed what he was actually saying while a strange jazz-like soundtrack accentuated the scene.
5: Play Date
Rick was not shy. So when we got to Don's he immediately got into the scene, stripping down to his trademark white briefs. Don and I kept our clothes on and sat on two chairs in the den, while at each side of the chairs was a huge floor pillow for our "boys" to sit on. Elliot was perched in a sort of half kneeling position at Don's side. He wore nothing but a pair of black, tight, running shorts. His gorgeous face full of anticipation, the head of his cock peeking out from the side of his shorts.
As I sat, I noted that the mostly empty room had a few mats on the floor, some rope hanging from the celling and a collection of sex toys on a plain steel table. There was also a box of condoms and several bottles of lube on that table.
The room's only window had it's curtains drawn against the fading October sun. The only illumination in

Just then Don said in a commanding tone, "Alright you two, tonight you're going to be put through the paces and do whatever your daddies ask. Understood?"
Rick and Elliot both nodded their heads, and I noticed that the both of them could not keep their hands from their crotches.
"First up, you, Red, over here", he said to Rick while pointing to the tent in his jeans. And then to Elliot, "Get over there make him feel good, boy", and with that Elliot was on his knees in front of me

A couple of times, Elliot's enthusiasm was marked by his teeth biting into my cock, I said, "Watch the teeth, bruiser". And with that, Don reached over and pulled Elliot's head back from my crotch by the hair and he gave him a sharp slap across the face that left a ghost image of the former coach's hand in red on his cheek.
"One more time, and you get punished for real, in front of them", Don said menacingly to the jock and then he sat back down, guided Rick back to his cock and continued enjoying the sucking. And then Elliot went back to work, and the rest of the venture was smooth with no more dental mishaps.
I let my hands run through Elliot's thick black hair, and I said, "Get off my dick and suck my tits,

He pulled back and for a split second we locked eyes, his face beautiful all ruddy, saliva running down his chin, his nostrils flaring; and he said directly to me, "Yes sir", and then he went for my nipples, and I threw my head back in pleasure.
Meanwhile, Don and Rick were off the chair now. I caught site of them both as Don hoisted Rick up, his massive arms bulging with muscles while he carried him around the waist and then set him gently to the floor. With Rick on his back, Don brought a foot down on his bare chest and slowly began grinding his size 13 work boot into his gut. I watched as my lover winced in pain but noted that his dick was rock hard.
I yanked Elliot off of my tits and using a handful of his thick hair, guided him to my mouth and we kissed sloppily, the jock's tongue slamming mine. As we kissed, we clumsily got to our feet and embraced, our hands going all over each other, pulling each to the other, our cocks rubbing, my hands grabbed his meaty butt. It was solid, like granite. I wanted to fuck this kid so bad it hurt.
And then, out of nowhere, I started to cum. I held Elliot so tight that he gasped in surprise as I shot my load all over him. This was a first. I did not realize how much this hot jock had lit my fire and I was going all spastic horny teen all over him.
When Don saw what had happened he yanked Elliot back and then slapped me on the back as he checked out the damage, "Damn, that's quite a load!"
"There's more where that came from", I said trying not sound embarrassed.
Then Don turned to Rick and snapped a finger and said, "Red, get over here and clean him up", and I watched as Rick dutifully licked my juice off of Elliot's chest and legs. Don stood at my side and let his arm drape across me, he whispered in my ear, "Want to string these two up?"
About fifteen minutes later, Rick and Elliot's arms were suspended above their heads by ropes as Don and I admired them. I noted that Elliot's furry chest was still wet with sweat as well as Rick's saliva.
Don motioned for me to come check out the rear view, and side by side our boy's asses were a sight to behold - both beautiful with Rick's high and bubble like and Elliot's muscular and firm.
"Damn," Don said his deep voice booming, "The downfall of man. Asses like this drive a fella' to all kinds of sinful thoughts." And with that he handed me a wooden paddle and we took turns beating their butts.

"Look at those fuckers, a couple of bad-boys who got what was coming to them!" he said, his face almost demonic in it's demeanor.
Their cock's remained erect the entire time.
"Let's let these bad-boys think about what's coming next for a few", Don said.
"Wait", I said, "one more thing," and went back to the where they hung and proceeded to lay two right hooks into Elliot's gut and a roundhouse punch that caught Rick right in the side of his stomach.
"Oh, yeah!" Don howled, "Give 'em a little Sonny Liston lovin'!"
And with that, we strolled out of the den and back into the living room where we each had a glass of that great scotch. When we finished he strolled over to the stereo and flicked it on, just loud enough to hear, just low enough not to be intrusive - more of the doo wop. And then Don took me in his arms and gave me a kiss that was both surprising and exciting. When he was done he said softly, "What say we untie those two and get down to business - I have got to fuck that boy of your's something bad"
I followed back into the den as the Platters sang, "Twilight Time".
6: Heavenly Shades of Night
Like a couple of defeated warriors, Rick and Elliot lay on the floor, they both looked like they'd just run a couple of miles. Their asses were tattooed with red welts and their cocks were hard and both dripped streams of precum that sparkled like diamonds in the weak light of the room.

Don did not say a word at first, he just reached down for Rick, and lifted him up and began to caress him. When he did so, he uttered, "You're a good boy, you took your medicine like a man", and then he embraced him and kissed him tenderly.
Elliot, was on his knees in front of me, like a faithful churchgoer waiting for communion. I positioned my cock to his full lips and gently traced the outline of them leaving a small gloss from my own precum. He licked at his lips and then opened his mouth and swallowed me. I threw my head back and gasped as the young jock proceeded to pleasure me with his red hot mouth.
Now we grouped together, the four of us, each grasping at the other and I closed my eyes while in a state of bliss; the touch of hot flesh, groping hands, the smell of sweat.
For a mind numbing moment I found myself like this: my arms restrained behind my back by Elliot, the hunky 19 year old jock's huge cock was rubbing up against the crack of my ass, his breath coming heavy as he bit at my ear ... in front of me, Don, his wolf-like face intense as he reached forward and started tweaking at my nipples, twisting them and pulling on them while his thick cock dripped honey all over my own ... next to me, Rick was fondling my ass cheeks, his hands sliding all over my bum. I watched as he leaned forward to kiss Don, and then back to plant one on Elliot... I closed my eyes and gave in to the overwhelming sensations of pleasure that assaulted me from all sides, and when he released me, the next thing I knew, I was wrapped up in the muscular arms of Elliot, and we kissed an energetic, sloppy kiss while the hands of Don and Rick played over our bodies ... We both moaned in unison until we were pried apart.
Now I was in Rick's familiar embrace, his body cool from the sweat, his hair plastered to his head, his kisses and bites desperate and animal like. I kissed him while Elliot stood behind him fingering his ass. Then Don nudged the jock out of the way and came behind Rick and put a rock hard forearm around his neck pulling his head back away from my mouth and I went for my lover's nipples, pinching them while watching him jerk and spasm in ecstasy. Elliot reached over and took Rick's balls into his beefy hand and gave them a tug and Rick let out a moan that seemed to go on forever...from the other room, Ronnie Spector crooned, "Baby I Love You".
Now Rick was on all fours with Don behind him ready to get fucked. At Don's direction I got in front of my lover and rubbed my throbbing cock on his beautiful face.
He did not say a word as he slowly began shoving his cock into Rick's ass. I watched Rick's mouth open in agony and shoved my cock in, not taking my eyes off of Don who looked even more wolf-like now. His face a mask of coital determination... I watched as he yanked Rick back by the shoulders and gave him a pounding that made the floor shake beneath us ... I watched as his big hands raised and then smacked roughly at Rick's already red ass-cheeks ... I watched as he grabbed him by the hair, pulling him off my dick and saying, "No wonder your daddy keeps you on such a short leash", he paused to catch his breath, "that ass of yours is tighter than a pussy!"... and with that Don brought his arms around Rick and yanked him up and then he threw his head back and let out a deep growl as he came.
When he was done, he threw Rick back down on the floor and pulled out of him. Wiping the sweat from his forehead he motioned Elliot over who assumed the position in front of me, raising his beefy ass up for the taking.
Don came over to me and said firmly, "Make him scream, he likes it rough."
Fucking Elliot was like riding a wild horse. The kid loved being had, in fact as soon as I was deep inside of him he cried out, "Yeah Daddy Ride Me!!"

As we continued I lifted him up so that I was standing and he was bent over using a table for support. I started in harder than before and Elliot began crying out in pain - I found the jock's threshold- knowing that he was in pain only made the fuck more enjoyable on my part and soon I was lost in pleasure, slamming him so hard that his head was now banging into the table ... in the back ground, I was vaguley aware of Don saying, "Make him remember you!"... I was also vaguely aware of the music, It might have been The Flamingos.
Just before I was about to cum, Don was at my left side and Rick to my right. Both men were sporting massive hard-ons and were jerking their staffs. And then I turned and locked eyes with my lover and he kissed me long and hard and as he did so, the world around me went gray and I shot my load, gasping for breath as the pleasure engulfed my very being ... and then Rick shot a load onto Elliot's ass, and a few seconds later, Don let out another deep bass moan and shot all over the kid's back ... Elliot wasted no time joining in, and as soon as I pulled out of him, he stood up, proudly displaying his fat dick which he jerked until he shot spunk that went straight on up into the air...and I watched his gorgeous face as he smiled and flushed red... in the other room, "I Only Have Eyes for You" played; and it sounded like ghosts harmonizing.
7:Strolling In Wonderland
It felt familiar, the four of us, breathless, sated, and sweaty, lying on the floor. Not a word

The four of us must have lay there for at least fifteen minutes until finally Elliot announced, "I gotta take a piss", and with that he got up and exited.
A few minutes later, the jock came back into the room and rejoined the four of us and in a matter of minutes we were all over each other again...and as the inevitable second round began the ghost voices in the other room began singing - Blue moon, you saw me standing alone -- and Don was sucking on my dick while Rick and Elliot hands began caressing my body... and I went with it, strolling in wonderland.
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