That summer of 1983, Chris and I spent the month of July in the mountains of Western Pennsylvania at a private camp ground. The way I remember it, this place was as close to Nirvana as I'd ever come. There were all kinds of men here, spread over a hilly forty some acres of mostly unspoiled land. There was a group of guys who called themselves Radical Faeries; and these dudes were a crazy bunch of pagan /hippies that made their own soap and held late night orgies around bonfires. There were also a lot of bears; hairy, husky dudes, as well as run-of-the-mill guys. What you didn't see a lot of up here in the mountains were the city guys, the fashion conscious types; and frankly, that was fine with me...
Chris and I were sharing a cabin on a lake, our closest neighbor was this chrome-dome stud named Rod who, word had it, was a semi-professional body builder as well as an all around hell raiser. Be that as it may, his cabin was almost a mile from us so we did not see much of him.
This one afternoon, Chris and I took a swim in the lake. When we climbed out of the water, we lay on the grass, and let the hot summer sun and gentle wind dry us off. We stayed in the sun for about a half an hour talking about everything and nothing and then Chris said, "Hey I know there is a lot of temptation on this campsite, and it's cool if you want to experiment, but remember, no body fucks that ass of yours but me, got it?" I leaned over and kissed my lover and assured him that I was not going to go all trollop on him. He reached out and took me in his beefy arms and said, "I think I better fuck you right now, just so you don't get tempted..." and with that, he lifted me up to my feet and guided me over to a tree, "Put your arms up," he commanded pointing to a branch and I did as I was told while he began man-handling me, slapping my butt, biting my neck, and then he reached under and beneath my legs and grabbed my cock which was as hard as his and squeezed it until a drop of pre-cum formed at the piss-slit. I closed my eyes enjoying all of this power play, giving my self over to this guy; sometime you want to use, and some times you want to be the one being used.
When he put his arms around me, crushing my mid-section, I knew he was primed and ready to begin doing me. I felt his familiar cock rubbing up against me and was preparing for the love assault when a voice boomed out,
I glanced over and saw, what looked like some kind of muscular mountain god coming through the bush. The mid-day sun shone on his tanned body and reflected off his bald head. It was Rod from a mile away. He was wearing a pair of very torn 501's, hiking boots and a somewhat frightening grin; and he looked hotter than fucking hell.
He strode right up to me and grabbed my cock and gave it a tug and just then Chris stepped forward and pushed him away, "Hey motherfucker, what do you think your doing?" Rod kept that sly smile on his face as he sized up Chris and said, "Come on man, don't you want to share your bitch?" and the next thing I knew, Chris went all alpha-male and let go with a series of punches, wailing on the muscle bound stranger.

I moved out of the way and watched and when Chris let up, Rod said, "Wow you are one tough fucker, ain't you...listen", he choked a few times, "No harm meant, but maybe we could wrestle over your bitch? Huh, loser gets the spoils?" He laughed and Chris hit him with a left hook...
...Rod's smile changed now and he pushed up, knocking Chris of him and his voice boomed, "What, you ain't man enough for this?"
Silence except for the sound of the two titans gasping for air.
Chris stood up and said, "Ok fucker, you want to go at it?"
Rod got up and slowly took his pants off revealing a marvelous ass that looked to be sculpted from fine marble and a dick that was about the size of an anaconda...and now the two muscular men faced each other, their bodies tensed, their cocks both semi erect and bobbing in front of them like electrical cables. "Just remember, " Rod said menacingly, "If I win, your boy is mine."
They charged each other after that and at first, Rod was clearly at the top of the game. No matter what Chris did, Rod managed to overpower him and at one point he had him pinned down to the ground, spitting in his face. I watched as my boyfriend struggled under the hairless demon and, yup, I was as hard as a rock.

"I submit!!!"
Chris got up and stood over his foe now; dripping in sweat and put his foot on Rod's chest and flexed his impressive arms in a victory pose, his cock standing straight up, and then he kicked Rod in the side which was met with a groan from his opponent and he locked eyes with me and said, "Get the fuck over here!"
I did not have to be told anything, I wanted to worship my hero and I did. I began by licking the sweat off his chest, slowly at first and then more aggressively. When he put his arms up, I went for his pits and licked the perspiration from them, the salty sweet taste of my man was overwhelming and like some of kind of strange narcotic it worked it's magic on me and I wanted more and so I ended up tonguing him from stem to stern while he stood like a proud warrior on the field of battle.
And then I got down on my knees and took his member in my mouth and sucked it, I let my hands come up and cup his balls and reveled in his groans of pleasure and secretly enjoyed giving the bastard on the ground a show. At one point I heard Chris proclaim to Rod, "See what your missing, fucker!"
Chris pulled me up by my hair and bent me over so that I was directly over Rod now and he shoved his cock deep inside of me making me howl in pain and I saw juice dripping from my dick onto Rod's bruised chest. I threw my head back feeling that hot sun bake my face while he savaged me the way I liked it; desperate and animal-like and then I felt his grip tighten around me and felt that final shove that heralded his orgasm and he shot his load in me and crashed into me, both of us shaking like an earth quake rumbled beneath our feet...
After he came, Chris yanked Rod up and shoved his face on to my cock and the muscle man, opened wide and sucked me off while Chris said to him, "You suck his cock, fucker, take good care of him or I'll kick your sorry ass again!"

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