Aaron's house, a neat bungalow, tucked behind a bramble of eucalyptus trees in Burbank is where the limo dropped us off.
During the ride back I'd discovered that my new friend was twenty four years old, a graduate of Hollywood High school, "I've achieved the honorable", he chuckled sucking on a joint that he shared with me, and that he'd been hustling since he dropped out of UCLA three years ago. He dropped names as the car sped through the hazy night, and my head spun; movie and TV stars, athletes, and even two very prominent politicians ... all males, all hiding their sexuality behind a mask of respectability, all paying for the favors of Aaron and others like him.
Then he asked me how long I'd been hustling. I laughed and shook my head, "Oh me? I mean, no, I was invited to this party - I had no idea what the deal was... Christ, I was just curious and horny".
"Fair enough," he said studying me in the dim light of the back seat, "So are you a fag?"
The question hung like a dust mote in the air for a second.
Again, I laughed, nervously, and nodded my head. "Yeah, I guess I am", and then I paused and said, "I guess you're not, huh? This is just a job, right? You have a wife and a..."
He laughed, and it was a howl of a laugh, it almost made me jump, "Shit man, if

I shifted some in the back seat, and felt myself relax, as he talked I could not take my eyes off his crotch. He caught me eyeing his package and winked at me and said, "My place, dude, I could use a good real fuck and not some staged event", and then he rested his hand on my knee and gave it a firm squeeze and with that we were entering his tree lined street in Beautiful Downtown Burbank.
I did not know what to expect when we got to his place, but I was pleasantly surprised to find a comfortable, one might have called "cozy", little house that was filled with decent looking furniture. I paused in the living room and pointed to the metal box with dials and buttons that sat on top of the television, "What is that?" I asked. He glanced over and said, "It's called a video cassette recorder, pretty soon everyone is going to have one...it was a gift from a client at CBS".
His bedroom was dominated by a huge bed that looked so big it should have it's own zip code, I was about to comment on it when he nonchalantly took me in his arms and gave me a kiss...my head began to spin again as his tongue gently explored my mouth; "That kiss you gave me back at the party was pretty nice, I just wanted to see if it was acting or the real thing..." he said as he backed away removing his shirt.
Then he turned and threw a bundle my way that I caught instinctively. A towel, wash cloth and a bar of wrapped soap, "Go clean the night off of you, you can use the shower over there", he nodded to the small powder room just off the bedroom, "I'll use the guest shower...meet me back here in 15", and with that he dashed off.
I showered, and dried myself . My cock stayed hard the whole time. I felt like some kind of virgin about to take the plunge for the first time ... the years of fucking around with my buddies back home seemed to be leading up to this; this rendezvous with this beautiful hustler I'd met at a movie star's house --- who I fucked in front of said movie star--- I had to close my eyes, because frankly, I could not believe the events of the past few hours; none the less I checked my look in the mirror and modestly pulled a clean towel around my waist and then walked back into the bedroom.
I was struck by the smell of incense back in the darkened room, a very heady scent, it was musk. I also smelled a joint burning, and there on the bed, naked, his cock standing straight up like an exclamation point, was Aaron. He offered the jay to me and I took a couple of hits and handed it back. He took it and butted it out in an ash tray and then pulled me to the bed where for the third time tonight, we kissed. And while we bussed, he undid the towel and his hands played all over my body, caressing me, the same way he probably caressed the movers and shakers that he had shared beds with in the past ... his touch was gentle, like that of an experienced soul, not the rapid gropings of a horny kid, and yet, at the same time, he found places that made new sensations of pleasure ripple through my body...when he lifted up my arm and began to lick my pit, I almost laughed, but then I went with it and it was good, so I did the same to him and he tasted wonderful and smelled of soap with just the most faint whiff of some cologne...

He rolled off of me then and began to kiss my chest, licking at my nipples, then his tongue running the length of my abdomen until he got to my cock which he took in his mouth and began sucking. Maybe it was the weed I smoked, but the pleasure seemed like nothing I'd felt before with anyone, his cock-sucking was sending me right over the proverbial rainbow, I could not catch my breath; it was like every nerve ending was attached to my dick...and just when I was about to cum, Aaron shoved something under my nose and told me to breathe in. I glanced at a small brown bottle and did as I was asked and for a split second I thought that maybe he was trying to kill me; the odor, a strong odd chemical smell, filled my nostrils and it was awful and then, It felt like someone was slamming the back of my head with a brick; Christ, was this guy some kind of gay Son of Sam, the room was spinning and everything was going hazy; but through it all, through this sensation, the pleasure that was going on at my mid-section remained...now I thought maybe I was going to die, but as quickly as the odd overwhelming sensation of fading away had started: it had ended.
I pushed myself up and said, "What the fuck was that?"
Aaron removed himself from my cock and looked up at me and said, "Rush", and he flashed the little brown bottle my way ... "did you like it?"
"No, not particularly", I said, a dull headache already beginning to throb.
He sat up and kissed me tenderly and said, "Wow, I thought everyone liked poppers", and then he laughed and I laughed and he said, "Let's smoke some more and then continue, it'll help your head". I agreed, the headache/popper incident already forgotten...one thing for sure, I really needed to have an orgasm, my balls were as blue as Kentucky grass.
This time we blew an entire joint, as we lay side by side. He kept apologizing for the popper and I kept telling him to forget it. Finally, the joint finished, and me stoned out of my gourd, I said something like, "Look man, not for nothing, but If I don't get to cum tonight, I might explode". This caused us both to howl, and before I knew it, he was crouched down in front of me, his fingers worming there way inside of me, slowly, maddeningly. I watched as his face, intent with determination, was focused on the task at hand, and before I knew it, he had four fingers up my my ass and I was squirming and jerking as electrical currents began to short circuit through out my body..."Go with it, dude", he whispered, and then he spit on his hand and brought the digit's up further and began moving the top of his hand back and forth, I began pleading for his cock and he continued finger fucking me; and when his free hand came up and started pinching at my tits I closed my eyes and saw lights begin to flash behind my eyelids. He told me to turn over on my stomach, and I did, and he continued fingering me; every now and again, he'd slap his cock on my crack...I could feel his spit dripping down covering my ass, making me wet; he must have had all five fingers in me at one point as he pulled up and raised my ass, working me like a puppet.

Finally he asked me if I was ready to get fucked, I cried out in the affirmative, pretty much pleading for it and I turned my head to see what he was doing, twisting my head back so that maybe I could catch a glimpse; and for a fleeting moment, I saw his dick, the cock that powerful men craved; and then I felt it.
He entered me at a slow but steady pace and I felt him go further and further inside...once again, it might have been all of the dope I'd smoked, but in retrospect I suspect it was his expertise at what he was doing; I'd never felt anything so good in my life. With every push, he opened up new sensations of pleasure, if there was pain, I was well beyond it, I knew that there was drool coming from my mouth as he rammed me, I knew that my own cock was alive and spilling precum onto the blankets below me, I knew that every-time I closed my eyes I saw beautiful flashing lights, I knew I was saying his name out-loud...
...what I did not know is that I was crying, literally. He noticed and said softly and sweetly, "Dude am I hurting you?"
I answered him by pushing myself down further on his shaft and somehow I managed to reassure him that these were those tears of joy the poets write about.
Every now and again, he'd slap me on the ass, and this would signal that he was going to speed up; I met his rhythm and fell into it and when he came, he shot inside of me, a stream of jizz, that god help me, felt as hot as lava. I almost shot my own load when he cried out, "Walt! Damn" as his final delivery of cum fired into me.
When he was through, he dismounted and gave me another kiss and said, "Come on dude, give it to me", and he went down on all fours and I reached for the jar of Lube that was bedside and quickly slathered my dick with it and rather unceremoniously began fucking him.

3: Stay The Night, He Requested
I was rag-doll-limp after the sex, and I rolled over on my back and listened to my own breath as I glanced up at the ceiling. He was next to me, also on his back, his left hand on my thigh which he was slowly rubbing. No words for minutes, just the muffled sounds of the curtains as they continued ruffling in the aromatic night breeze.
I closed my eyes and realized where I was again. In bed with a stranger, a sex professional, who'd I met earlier at an orgy in the Hollywood Hills; an orgy that included celebrities...was this for real, I questioned myself silently ... could this really be happening to me? I opened my eyes and the answer was a resounding, yes. Same room, same curtains, same beautiful stud at my side.
Exhausted, but thinking I knew what was coming next, I started to sit up and felt his hand move to my shoulder as he pulled me back into bed. "Stay the night," he requested, his voice soft and sincere.
I turned on my side and he spooned me and wrapped his arms around my mid-section and I drifted off quickly into a dreamless, refreshing sleep.
4: Talking 1977 Over Coffee and Tang - Reality and Promise
The next morning, I was treated to a continental breakfast that we ate in his small, lush yard. We sat at opposite ends of a rather tattered picnic table and drank some Tang, (I remember being so thirsty that morning, that I must have had at least three glasses of the astronaut's juice) and he told me that he was boycotting real orange juice because of Anita Bryant and her anti-gay crusade. I toasted his boycott and raised my glass of the pale orange beverage saying, "Up yours, Anita!" He laughed and in the morning sun, looked even more beautiful than the night before, his long blond hair going any way the wind blew it.
Later on he went into the kitchen to get some coffee for us. I could hear the radio inside playing 10 CC's, "I'm Not In Love" while I perused the Los Angeles Times and read a review of this new band from England called, "The Sex Pistols". I was half way through the article when my host appeared at the door carrying two steaming mugs and placed one down in front of me and said, "So tell me about New Jersey".
I was stunned, as I had not told him a thing about where I was from.
Then he upped the ante by asking, "And how about your real name?"
I sipped the coffee, it was strong and sweet, and then I cleared my throat and said, "Well you tell me, what did you do, sneak a peek at my wallet -- my driver's licence?"
He nodded his head and then said, "Sorry, it goes with the territory ... look, I know your name is not Walt and I know you're from Jersey, so come on, what's your story, dude? I told you mine...come on fess up."
So I told him everything and waited for a response.
He never took his eyes off me while I spoke and when I was through he said, "Well, shit, man. What was the big deal? Lot's of people come to the west coast to mend a broken heart..."
I had nothing to say. So I remained silent as he pulled his chair over and sat next to me, "Hey, I've got an idea, you say there's nothing at home for you. Why not stay here, with me for awhile...I like the company and", he paused, maybe for some kind of dramatic effect, or maybe because he meant what he was about to say, "I like you, dude. I like you a lot"
Then he leaned forward and planted a soft, kiss on my lips and it seemed full of promise.

I nodded my head after the kiss and said, "Really, you want me to stay?"
He took me in his arms and kissed me once more, this time with a passionate urgency that seemed to bring the morning's colors into high focus all around me ... and when we were done, he smiled; a crooked little grin that seemed full of mischief and softly said, "Really".
And he held me in his arms for a few more minutes and I held him back and somewhere, off in the distance, I could hear the sound of sirens wailing ...
END part two