1: T.C.B.
I called my family first. Speaking with my mother, I told her that I was going to be staying in California a bit longer than I'd expected...she asked a lot of questions, I lied and told her that I just needed some more time ... she surprised me when she said, "Darling, I don't know what your up too, and maybe I really don't want to know. Just be careful and stay in touch; and after you get this, whatever it is, out of your system, just come home ... no questions."
I hung up thankful that I had such an understanding parent, but saturated with guilt that I had to lie to her ... however I could not tell her that her son had taken up with a street hustler.
I called Chris next. We talked for about an hour and he told me that he'd heard about me and Stu. I told him that I was having a ball out west, leaving out the sordid details for now, and he laughed and said, "Call me when you you get back east ... you know you'll be back."
And that was that. New Jersey was, for all intent and purposes, squared away and I was a free man in Burbank.

2: The Job of Sex / Bless Me Father
One morning after we'd smoked a bowl of hash and fucked, Aaron asked if I wanted to earn some money... I was very hesitant, because I knew what it would entail. And frankly, the more I thought of fucking for money, the less I was game. It's one thing to stumble into a situation, but it's a whole other ball game to go at it willingly. So I took a rain-check on his offer and hit the streets looking for some legitimate work.
For three days, I answered every ad in the paper I could find and the best I came up with was a gig at a little record shop off of Sunset Blvd that would pay me the mind-numbingly-outrageous amount of two dollars and thirty cents an hour. What could I do? I took the job.
I moved into Aaron's the day I got the job. That is, I brought my suitcase and duffel bag from the hotel over.
My first week at The Wax Stax, after working almost 70 hours in total, I came home with a paycheck in the amount of 140.00 dollars - no overtime, no benefits - Christ, not even a discount at the store itself.
"You ready to earn some real cash?" Aaron asked over dinner that night.
Reluctantly, I nodded my head.
For the next few days, Aaron tutored me on the fine art of hustling; The Job of Sex, is what he called it. I told him that I was not using my real name, and he agreed, "Don't worry dude, you'll always be Walt". We went shopping one day, and Aaron picked out some jeans, one size smaller than I wore, as well as some form fitting shirts, underwear and even sneakers, "Think of these as your work clothes", he said as we strolled out of the small shop on Hollywood Blvd.
Our first gig, I soon discovered, was one of Aaron's regulars; a catholic priest from a parish in Glendale. "This is as an easy hundred for the both of us, and you won't have to do much more than watch ... see, he likes to give me head while someone is watching," he said going through his closet pulling out some shirts and pants, "I usually give one of the guys a call for this, but fuck 'em, we're a team, dude." He paused for a moment as he tossed me a crisp white shirt and a pair of black slacks, "I think we wear about the same size ... try these on".
A few moments later I was dressed like I was going to a funeral; conservative clothes with a black sports coat and tie. I noted that the pants fit a bit snug and Aaron told me to forgo underwear, so I pretty much looked like the pants were painted on me.
I paced the living room waiting and Aaron came out in the same get up, he looked like a young wall-street banker type. I told him I was really nervous and he reached into his jacket pocket and came close to me and whispered, "I figured as much, swallow this." and with that he placed a half a pill on my tongue which I accepted, "Half a lude, mellows you out some but it it'll keep your cock going..."
"Feed your head, " I said following him to the door.
The lude kicked in about ten minutes later as we drove to Glendale. I felt my anxiety melting away as Aaron told me the set up. I was to sit on the sofa and watch him blowing Father Horny, when the priest looked my way, I was to whip out my cock and start jerking off. Later on, we'd probably both have to stand over his holiness and cum on him while he lay on the floor jerking off. I almost laughed at the business like way he described the scenario. But as mellow as I felt, and as ludicrous and surreal everything seemed to be; I was sporting a major hard-on.
And so we showed up at a small apartment about a block from the church that Father Horny was affiliated with. The priest, a middle-aged man, shocked me when he answered the door in his cassock and collar. He smiled beatifically when he caught a glimpse of Aaron and managed the same smile when he was introduced to me...we were then ushered in to a living room and offered iced tea. Taking a cue from my partner in crime, I accepted some, it was weak and very sweet. As we sat and drank, the priest drew the drapes and went over to the landing by the steps that led to the second floor of his apartment and said, "Walt, do you want to watch as I take communion from Aaron?"
"Yes, father, I do", I said a bit to respectfully, all things considered, and once again found myself trying to stifle a laugh.
The priest undid Aaron's shirt and tossed it aside and then led him to the stair well where he had Aaron stand on the third or fourth step and then he got on his knees in front of him and began sucking and I heard Aaron, ever the professional, say softly, "Take this son, this is my body" and he looked my way and gave me a wink while Father Horny sucked away... I noticed how beautiful Aaron looked in the diffused light that filtered in through the drawn curtains...and then the priest paused and wiped at his lips and looked my way. This was my cue, so I undid my zipper and let my dick pop out, and slowly began massaging it for the benefit of the man of the cloth...once more Aaron caught my eye and winked his approval.
It went on at the stairway for about five minutes and then the priest rose and motioned for me to get up. He said, "Take your shirt off and stand here." So I stood in the middle of the living room and Aaron stood across from me while the priest lay on the floor and hitched up his robe, revealing a pasty white body and a very small dick. I did my best not lose my hard-on considering what I was seeing and stood over him jacking off. Luckily Father Horny kept his eyes closed and I jerked-off looking at Aaron who was jerking off looking at me... we managed to have our orgasms almost at the same time, and as our juice spilt on to the man in black, he did the same and shot his own seed into the air .
When it was over the priest remained on the floor and pointed to a small table by the door where an envelope waited. "Go", he said keeping his eyes closed. So we grabbed our shirts and jackets, zipped up and then headed out; Aaron snatching the envelope behind me...
I began laughing when I got into the car as Aaron said, "Check this out", showing me that the our payment was in was one of the church's donation envelopes. Two crumpled one hundred dollar bills were inside as well as a mass card ... Aaron tossed the mass card out the window and handed me my cut saying, "See, I told you it would be easy!" Then he turned on his radio and we sped away, Fleetwood Mac's "Gold Dust Woman" serving as our get away soundtrack...
We drove about three blocks, flush with excitement and Aaron pulled the Volkswagen down a little side street and parked and looked at me, his smile as bright and dazzling as that California sun, he said, "Dude! You are gonna' be so good at this", and he leaned over and planted a big wet kiss on my lips. My head spun and when he pulled back he said, "OK, tonight we hit the town and drum up some business...me and you, dude! The Glimmer Twins!"
I laughed, and said, "Just like Keith and Mick."
"Something like that", he said as he shifted gears and peeled back out on to the highway...
3: Down The Rabbit Hole
We drove down Sunset Blvd at dusk, the street was glowing all neon reds and purples. Another half a lude was doing it's work on me and once more I found myself at that stage of blessed calm mixed with extra arousal. It was a very warm night, almost eighty degrees after the sun went down...I knew that right now, back home in Jersey, it was cold and raining. Could I ever go back to that when now I was in the land of sex and money and warmth?
Aaron parked the V.W. behind an old warehouse and we got out and hit the streets. We both wore impossibly tight Levi's. Aaron wore a faded Bicentennial shirt that was cut at the waist revealing his taught little belly, and I wore a plain red t-shirt tucked in to my pants. Then we found a corner near an all night deli and stood near the phone both and waited to be cruised by lonely, horny men...this was what Aaron meant when he said we would be "Drumming up business".
On the corner he repeated his safety rules to me; don't get into a car alone ... try and get the money up-front ... if you are getting bad vibes from a john, walk away... I kept a roll of quaters in my pocket, which I learned, would come in useful if you had to throw a punch with a little something extra behind it; funny, for all these warnings and cautions, I felt no fear.
A fat little man with broken glasses sided up to me that first night and asked, "How much to suck you off?" I told him and he nodded his head and we walked over to the alley. I could still see Aaron from my vantage point as I stood propped up against a brick wall, a dumpster hiding me and the man from prying eyes . Before he went down on his knees I said, "Money". And he smiled nervously and said, "Of course", and shoved a handful of cash at me which I flicked through and then put in my pocket. The man got down on his knees and I undid my pants and let him go at it. As I remember it, he was pretty good at cock-sucking and I surprised myself by shooting my load into his mouth. When we were done the man wiped at his lips with a hanky and said, "Thank you" and then disappeared into the night; and just like that, I made twenty five bucks...
...and that's how it went for the rest of the night, and for the next few nights. We'd work a different corner and mostly have guys suck our cocks...most nights we came home with a few hundred dollars between us ... one night this older man, he must have been almost seventy, invited us both to go back to his place, a little apartment he kept in North Hollywood and he paid us both two hundred a piece if he could jerk off while he watched us make out... another time we both took a limo ride with these two middle-aged men and gave them blow jobs while they discussed the stock market with each other; we pulled in three hundred for that gig, plus a couple of stock tips ...
Now don't get me wrong, it was not all cash and cum: one night this guy, a big tough looking bruiser, asked if he could fuck me, Aaron had already made a connection and was in a hotel down the street with his john, but I was feeling brave and told him if he had fifty bucks he could do what he wanted. The next thing I knew I was in another back alley getting fucked by the bruiser ... with the smallest cock I'd ever seen in my life. I wanted him to enjoy himself so I groaned and moaned and put on a good show. When he finished, he pulled out and came all over my back and as I turned around, I was met by his large ham sized fist; the son of a bitch sucker punched me, and as I lay on the ground he went for my pants saying, "Where's the money, faggot?" I was dazed at first, and I don't know what I was thinking but I managed to slam my left foot into his crotch, effectively dropping the bastard. As he lay on the ground cursing and holding his aching balls, I dressed quickly and then reached for his wallet and took out the contents, which was about three hundred bucks. I threw the empty billfold at him and kicked him once more, this time in the face and then ran faster than I had in my entire life until I got back to Aaron's car where I waited (that was our designated meet up spot - the car, we both had a set of keys for the bug so whomever was finished up for the night would hang out and wait for the other to get back)...When he finally did get back and he saw the bruise , just under my left eye, he got a look of panic on his face...until I told him what had happened, "You tough little, mother fucker!" He said wiping my face with a clean handkerchief, "you fucked him up and took his money!?!? Damn, remind me never to fuck with you!" we laughed as he drove the car back to the hotel where he still had an hour before check out. We both washed up and on our way back to the car I said, "Hey, I am so riled up tonight, let's go somewhere"...
...twenty minutes later we were at a disco on Santa Monica Blvd. We ordered a couple of beers and washed down a couple of tabs of MDMA and hit the dance floor and under the flashing lights and pulsating beat, we became like two whirling dervishes. The music, I remember, seemed to be coming from within, and we tore our shirts off and danced surrounded by other men doing the same; like some tribe of pagan revelers, and though I could feel my eye swelling shut, I felt so fucking great and every now and again, Aaron would come up to me, to my face, and kiss me, and the music seemed to grow louder, the thumping bass like my own heart beat, and when he put his arms around me and started slowly grinding, smashing his thighs up against mine so I could feel the pressure of his magnificent cock against me; every time he did this, I felt orgasmic waves ripple through me and when he leaned forward and yelled into my ear above the din, "Man, I want to fuck you so bad now..." I took his hand and lead him off the dance floor to somewhere, anywhere, that we might be able to get down to some serious action.
In the back of the club, was a room. Old sofas where strewn about as well as bodies; this was a place where men had anonymous couplings. We found an empty spot and took our clothes off and I lay on the couch and he mounted me, his beautiful hair flapping about his head while he fucked me, and once more I marveled over his expertise at what he did and the way he did it and he fucked me savagely and passionately while his sweat dripped off of his body on to mine and the heavy bass of the disco music from the other room, along with the drugs and alcohol that were coursing through my veins, lead me down a rabbit hole of pleasure -- and just before he came, he bent down, all the way so that he could kiss me and I could feel his juice shoot inside of me and our kiss was prolonged and it was followed by my orgasm. I came in buckets that only a nineteen year old punk, stoned out of his gourd can. And when I was done, and while I was trying catch my breath, he slid off of me and began licking the jizz from my chest and stomach. I watched him do this and realized that my cock was still hard, that I still yearned for more. And then he kissed me and I tasted him, and I tasted myself and I closed my eyes and thanked whatever obscene twist of fate had brought me to this place.
It was the most sincere prayer of thanks I had ever given in my young life.
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