Back in the early 80's, much of Southern New Jersey was farmland and open roads. To the untrained eye, one might think that he was driving somewhere out in the Midwest as he passed miles and miles of cornfields or woods choked with pine trees.Old motels dotted some of the back roads, built, one suspects, for the weary traveler making his way to or from the shore points that fill the eastern most edges of the state. With the advent of the Parkway, most of these old motels were used mostly for those looking for an afternoon delight or an address where no one could find them.
My fuck buddy, Van, was fond of the Jersey Devil Motor court which sat just off county road 611 just outside one of the state parks.
We had spent a long hot day at the beach and on the way home Van suggested we spend the night at the JD. I looked over at him in the passenger seat, he was wearing nothing but a pair of shorts, his hairy chest wet with sweat, his dirty blond hair all askew. I reached over and grabbed his crotch and he smiled at me.
Officially, Van was still married. He had moved out of his home, his wife getting the place he had broke his back paying for, she also kept his car, and most importantly, she kept his children. He had some visiting rights, and for that he was grateful; but for the most part, this was wrecking him ... so, I remained a loyal friend and confidant. I did what I could, mostly I guided him on his sexual journey.
That journey had begun months earlier at work when he confessed to me that he was gay, and one thing lead to another, and we became fuck buddies.
I discovered over time, that Van enjoyed being dominated, and that was cool, I understood it. At work he was the go-to-guy, the top man. He was damn good at his job as a social worker, on a daily basis fighting the good fight; meanwhile his personal life was going to hell...so when it came time to hit the sheets, he wanted someone else to be in control.
That said, our relationship was what it was; there were no emotional entanglements, or so I thought ...

He quickly got on his knees and rubbed my dick all over his face. I could feel his hot breath down there and he was making me crazy with anticipation. I reached down and pushed his head towards my cock whispering, "Come on, man, now", and he opened his mouth and began sucking me off.
I closed my eyes and threw my head back and groaned in ecstasy, sweat dripping off me due to the heat as well as my libido.
It did not take long for me to shoot a load, and Van took it all, swallowing my seed and staying on my cock, draining every last drop out of me until I got weak in the knees and fell to the squeaky bed.
He climbed onto the bed, joining me, kissing me, all over, working from my crotch, then to my belly, and finally up to my chest where he landed biting at my tits ... I was getting hard again so I grabbed his huge cock and pulled him towards me and this time I kissed his mouth, tenderly and with passion. Then I pulled back for a second and looked at him, I don't think he knew how beautiful he was; and in the glow of the fading summer sun, he looked almost other-worldly, like an angel.
Then I went down on him, slowly taking his thick piece into my mouth, savoring it, swallowing it, I could still smell the aroma of coconut on him, that beach odor, and I wanted to eat him alive.
He was shaking now, I knew he was gone, so I cupped his ball sack with a free hand, and with the other went for his left nipple and gave it a tweak, all the while, sucking him off as best I could ... when I felt him begin to stiffen and arch his back, I swiftly removed my hand from his nuts and brought a couple of fingers to his asshole, and as soon as I connected with his tight hole, he came in my mouth and let out a shout ... he tasted sweet, almost as sweet as coconut ... but maybe that was just because that the smell of the tanning oil on his body was overwhelming ...
When he was through we kissed again, and the passion from earlier was still there, this was more than just a friendly kiss shared by buddy's ... it scared me, but it was so beautiful and so perfect, I just went with it.
Fifteen minutes later, we lay in bed nursing a couple of cold beers; as we swigged the chilled brew nothing was said. From outside, I could hear a woman yelling something until finally a car in bad need of a new muffler roared to life and took the screaming woman with it.
It was dusk now, and a breeze began to blow the moth eaten curtains bringing in a slightly cooler temperature. It felt wonderful.
Then I turned to my left and looked at him, his cock fully erect again, as was mine, and he said, "I have to tell you something, I think I'm falling in love with you."
"NO!" I said, sitting up, my bottle of beer falling from my hands and to the floor spilling everywhere, "Don't ruin it, man! Just enjoy it, don't over think it, don't over analyze it", I was going into panic mode now, "It's just that I am the first guy you've been with, you are confusing sex with romance, big difference dude, trust me, BIG difference..."
And he put his hand over my mouth and said softly, "Don't tell me what I'm feeling, I know what this is, and I can't help it..."
I fell back on the bed and said, "Van, you don't want me, trust me, my love is in league with the freeway!"
He laughed out loud and said, "What the fuck does that mean?"
"It means that when ever I don't have a good come back, I quote a line from a song", I said flatly.
"It's OK, I'll work this through, I guess it's kind of like falling in love with your therapist", he said without a hint of irony in his voice.
"Yeah, something like that", I said staring up at the ceiling which was full of water spots.
After that, he turned on his side and fell asleep. A few minutes later, I did the same.
A loud crash of thunder woke me at around two in the morning. I sat up in bed with a start and saw the Van was not there. Blindly I made my way across the small motel room until I heard the shower running in the powder room. I paused for a minute and then grabbed another beer out of the cooler. After I took a swig I went on a search for cigarettes and found my pack on the dresser. I lit up and went to the window and was greeted by a strobe of lightning followed by another thunder clap that made me jump out of my skin. I saw from the light in the parking lot that it had not rained, this was heat lightning ... strangely, the night had grown warmer. I blew smoke out the open window and I did not even hear Van as he came back into the bedroom.
He slipped his arm around my waist and lay his still damp body against my back. He smelled of Ivory soap and faintly of some kind of after shave. I cursed myself for it, but I was getting aroused again.
I turned to him and said, "Look, I'm sorry I acted the way I did earlier..."
"It's OK," he said, his face solemn, "I understand where you are coming from, and I don't want to scare you away ... I just need to know that you won't take off now."
"Never, man, never, I swear."
We kissed again and then I said, "Let me go grab a quick shower, I'm feeling kind of ripe."
And with that I made my way to the bathroom and showered.
When I came back out, Van was sitting up in bed, his cock at full mast.
I dived on to the bed and yanked at his member saying, "Brother, you have got one huge fucking piece," and I slowly stroked it making a fist that engulfed his prick. As I squeezed it tighter I said, "Why don't you fuck me? I mean, I saw you in action that one time last spring in North Jersey, you threw a great fuck into that guy at that garage..."
He smiled at me and said, "Yeah, but I like getting fucked, especially by you, I love how aggressive you get, it really turns me on."
"Well, I can be just as aggressive under you brother"...
I lay on the bed while he lubed up, and as soon as I felt the tip of his cock at my butt I yelled out, "Come on baby! Fuck me like you mean it! I want it hard, I want to remember this, don't let me down, punk!"
He slipped his arm around my waist and lay his still damp body against my back. He smelled of Ivory soap and faintly of some kind of after shave. I cursed myself for it, but I was getting aroused again.
I turned to him and said, "Look, I'm sorry I acted the way I did earlier..."
"It's OK," he said, his face solemn, "I understand where you are coming from, and I don't want to scare you away ... I just need to know that you won't take off now."
"Never, man, never, I swear."
We kissed again and then I said, "Let me go grab a quick shower, I'm feeling kind of ripe."
And with that I made my way to the bathroom and showered.
When I came back out, Van was sitting up in bed, his cock at full mast.
I dived on to the bed and yanked at his member saying, "Brother, you have got one huge fucking piece," and I slowly stroked it making a fist that engulfed his prick. As I squeezed it tighter I said, "Why don't you fuck me? I mean, I saw you in action that one time last spring in North Jersey, you threw a great fuck into that guy at that garage..."
He smiled at me and said, "Yeah, but I like getting fucked, especially by you, I love how aggressive you get, it really turns me on."
"Well, I can be just as aggressive under you brother"...
I lay on the bed while he lubed up, and as soon as I felt the tip of his cock at my butt I yelled out, "Come on baby! Fuck me like you mean it! I want it hard, I want to remember this, don't let me down, punk!"

His cock felt so good, and It was cool to have some one else in the drivers seat, such as it was, for a bit.
He fucked me at a steady pace for a few minutes and then he cried out, "Gonna shoot!" and he pulled out and sprayed a stream of his jizz all over my back.
I was about to get up off the bed, when Van dashed into the bathroom and took a towel and cleaned my back off.
"Thanks", I said, and then I pushed him down on the bed and said, "Now I get some of the beautiful ass of yours, bitch."
I spit on the head of my cock and dived on top of him as he lay on his stomach. His tight ass was a challenge as always, but eventually I got in and he started moaning in pain. Slowly, I pumped him and every time I went in he would gasp.

When I felt the orgasm coming I held my breath, I really did not want to cum just yet, but it was as if Van's body knew what I was thinking, and it seemed that his asshole tightened around my cock, and I lost all control shooting my load up into his guts, my eyes rolling into the back of my head, the room going gray and then, engulfed in pleasure, I fell onto his back and bit him on his shoulder, the sound of his screams like music to my ears...
...Exhausted, I fell on top of him and was about to say something when he pushed me off of him and worked his way free and then pulled me off the bed...
"What the fuck are you doing?" I asked.
He pulled me over to the dresser, to the mirror with a huge crack in it and said, "Look".
We stood, arms intertwined behind each other's backs, in front of the cracked mirror in that hot, dusty motel room and I looked at our reflection; his hairy sweat drenched chest still heaving in post coital satisfaction, my face flushed red from the same. And then we kissed. The hot skin of our chests pressed together, our mouths connected, my head spinning...what the fuck was I doing?
"Do you see what I see?" he asked after we finished kissing.
Finally I turned to him, and took him in my arms and held him as tight as I could and whispered in his ear, " Remember, my love is in league with the freeway", and he laughed and said back to me, "Stop quoting Robert Plant and just enjoy this..."
And we kissed again, and once more a crash of thunder filled the room, and once more I wondered, what the fuck I was doing?
But the two guys staring back at me from the broken mirror remained silent.
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