He had cut his hair, it was shorter now, and combed back into something of a D.A., and it made his features more intense; his dark deep set eyes, that expressive brow, his strong chin...he'd let his body hair grow, his chest now thick with a carpet of dark curly fur. Also, he was more solid and muscular than ever.
I felt weak in the knees just watching him undress.
It had been almost six months since the last time we had been together. Being in Denver for an advanced class in public speaking, as well as some graduate studies; Chris had returned to me, an adult. No longer the big boy with the unruly mop of curly hair -- today, he stood before me, a young man well on his way.
Honestly, I'd always figured that he would break out of blue collar New Jersey. Behind that tough guy facade was a cool, calculating person. Someone who would excel in the business world, or maybe even politics (when he needed to, Chris could be as charming as a snake oil salesman).
That said, his first words to me when he showed up at my apartment were, "I am going to fuck you until you can't walk anymore."
Thankfully, not everything about him had changed.
Slamming the door behind him and pushing me into the living room, he put his arms around me and gave me an impossibly brutal kiss that knocked the wind out of me. I instinctively went for his shirt and he stopped me, "No wait, this is an expensive shirt, can't afford to rip it."
And with that he undressed, neatly folding each article of clothing and putting it into a small pile onto the coffee table.
I did not what to make of this, but I respected it and took my own clothes off, tossing them into the corner with out a thought. The entire time I watched him, my body was tingling with excitement, my cock throbbing like an electrical current was running through it.
When we were both naked, he took me into his arms and we kissed passionately, he tasted of spearmint. He smelled good also, "Is that aftershave?" I laughed slightly.
"Fucking hick," he said tightening his grip on me, "It's Jovan Musk for Men".
And with that, he shoved my face into his chest, and I breathed in deeply, loosing myself in the forest of thick chestnut brown foliage. For years, he'd shaved his chest, something I always teased him about, and now with this Neanderthal expanse of fur covering him I was going nuts with lust.
I began by licking him and then chewing on the hair, it was everywhere and beyond the odor of cologne, I smelled the familiar odor of someone I had known for a very long time. It was like coming home.
He grabbed the back of my head and pushed me toward his left nipple, and I latched on to it and bit it lightly, and then sucked it while my hands roamed freely up and down his well muscled arms, feeling for the rock-hard biceps that he intentionally tensed up just for me.
I went down on his dick quickly and gagged when he slammed it into my mouth. I knew

He yanked out of my mouth abruptly and pushed me to the floor where I landed flat on my back.
"On your belly, bitch", he demanded. I flipped over and with out a moment's pause, he was riding me like a bronco, his cock burrowed deep into me, the pain overwhelming and I let out a groan of pain.
"Shut the fuck up and take it!" He barked, slapping my ass so hard that it felt like I was struck by a leather belt.
As my body was being savaged, he decided to pour it on even thicker by grabbing my left arm and pulling it up, pinning it behind my back. I threw my head back and let out a deep, loud bellow of agony causing him to tighten the hold.
Counter irritation is what he'd called this. One more bit of pain that cancels out the other.
It was Sadism 101, Chris style.
He responded by banging me even harder. My entire body now was rocked by his movements, it was like being had by a force of nature; even if I wanted to, I could not escape this.
Just before he was about to cum, he pulled out of me, and flipped me over like a sack of laundry and shoved his prick in my face and told me to open my mouth up. And when I did, a geyser of his seed sprayed into it while he cursed up a blue streak.
I could not contain myself at this point, so I reached for my own piece and started jerking it with both hands. Chris saw what I was doing and straddled my mid section, sitting on my throbbing cock, like he had done many times before, and as his mouth opened in a silent scream, I rammed my hips upward watching his face grow even more scarlet in color while I secretly savored his pain and my pleasure.
And then I exploded, a volcano of cum which I pumped into his guts, and he kept moving up and down, his tight ass coaxing more and more of my juice ... and I closed my eyes to the colors that exploded behind them and whispered his name over and over.
2: Rinse Lather Repeat

Twenty minutes later, he was fucking me again; this time in the shower.
I braced myself on the wet tile walls for dear life as he assaulted my ass, and every now and again he'd reach under me and pinch my nipples.
I shot another load while he was still inside of me.
He came up my ass and pulled me towards him, biting at the back of my neck while he spasmed in pleasure.
Clean, dry, and sore, I collapsed on my bed and watched as he made his way around my bedroom. He brushed his hair and then used some of my deodorant. When he was through, he dived onto the bed next to me and said, matter-of-factly,
"So how have you been?"
"So how have you been?"
I reached for the pack of cigarettes on the bedside table and smiled saying, "I've been good".
I offered him one and he put his hand up, "Nah, quit them, my personal trainer read me the riot act."
"Your personal what?" I asked putting the pack down.
"My trainer, man. The gym I joined out in Denver offers them half price to students", he said as put his arm around me nuzzling my neck.
"Hold on a sec," I said, sitting up, "You come back with this new look, you quit smoking, you've joined a gym ... I mean what's going on in Colorado. Did the Mormons get a hold of you or something?"
"Nah," he smirked, "It's just that I've been exposed to a whole other world. Times are changing, and I want the good life. I'll be damned if I settle for some crap life like my parents had. Christ, my old man left me and my mom, she had to work two jobs ..."
Shaking my head, I said, "No, Chris, I understand that, I understand wanting to better yourself, but you seem to have adapted to it rather quickly."
"Sink or swim, pal". He said as his hand casually stroked my cock.
"And something else," he added, "I want you to move out west with me. I know it's a lot to ask, but I have thought long and hard about this, and it's the god's honest truth: I need you with me, in my life. I want to share all of this with you ... in six months, you won't believe what I've been exposed to, there is a whole new world out there, Chico, and you and me, together, brother, we could set the world on fire."
I was stunned and silent as he continued.
"Think of it. You could get your Master's too! Then the both of us will be good and done with this damn town and it's provincial mind-set."
"Wait", I said trying to absorb everything, "When did Denver become San Francisco? Are you saying that our being gay would be easier there?"
"It is, if you know how to play the game. Come on, remember what I used to tell you, Andy and Stu all of the time?"
Nodding my head I repeated the mantra, "What you do in private is your business, the face you show in public, though, belongs to the world."
And then I asked, "So we pretend we are straight for the rest of our damn lives?"
"Chico, listen to me," he said rather parental,"the world is catching up. It just takes some time, if you play by the rules, eventually you can reveal your true self."
He continued on for about an hour, not only talking about hiding in plain sight, but also about stock investments (cable TV, computers, telecommunications - the wave of the future, sure to make us rich!), real estate, and how he was going for a dual major in business administration.
I couldn't believe my ears, the guy who had been fucking my brains out for almost ten years, the guy who used to smoke more dope and drink more beer than anyone I ever knew, the guy who used to lecture me about selling out, was becoming a mother-fucking yuppie!
Finally, out of desperation, and maybe just to get my bearings again, I leaned over and put his cock in my mouth, sucking him off to an orgasm and successfully shutting him up for twenty minutes.
3: The Power Ties That Bind
After that odd day in May, Chris moved back to New Jersey for the summer. He stayed at his mother's house, but spent most of his time at my apartment.
I was working days at my social work job, and Chris was doing an internship at an investment firm in Philadelphia.
I joined a gym at his insistence, we worked out almost every morning before going to our jobs, and in the evenings he'd peruse the Wall Street Journal, while I was scanning Rolling Stone.
One night, he came home from work wearing a black suit, crisp white shirt and a red silk tie. He looked fantastic and I told him so. He slowly unbuttoned his shirt and undid his tie and said, "I love you." And then he told me to put my arms behind my back. I obliged his request, and he took the tie and tightly bound my hands together and pushed me to my knees.
I watched as he freed his cock from his slacks and as his thick member jutted forth from them.
"Suck it", he said as he pulled my head forward.
I worked on his cock relishing his moans and groans of pleasure while wondering what else he had in mind.
It did not take long...
Pulling me up to my feet by my hair, he walked me to the doorway of the bedroom and removed my clothes. Then he lifted my arms up and secured the tie to a nail above the door jam. Taking another tie from a drawer he reinforced my hands snugly.
Holding my breath in anticipation, I watched as his fists balled up and he threw the first of several vicious jabs to my gut.

His face set in a sadistic look of determination, he landed several more punches to my torso, each one sounding like a flat drum beat. My head fell back for a second and then I stared him down in spite of the pain.
"That's right," he said menacingly, "you can take it".
And this time he gave me a sharp slap across my face that stung like a thousand bee stings ... and in spite of the pain, or because of it, my cock grew harder by the second.
Then he reached down and gave my balls a tug and laughed as I squirmed.
Stepping back from me for a minute, he quickly disrobed, and lay his clothes on the sofa, and then, completely naked, with his own cock at full staff, he reached forward

In a matter of seconds, he had his powerful arms around me, knocking the breath out of my body while he secured me in a bear hug, lifting me up and then lowering me, his face a fiery red mask of savage domination.
We struggled about on the bedroom floor, until I surprised, even myself, by getting the upper hand.
With my left arm around his neck, I had him in a choke-hold and drove him down to the bed, and while he tried to break away, he simply could not.
Relishing this reversal of fortune, I laid a couple of cheap shots into the small of his back with my right fist, and then released him, flipped him over, and straddled his chest, my cock heavy with jizz dripping onto his chest.
He looked up at me, his eyes crazy with lust, and maybe something else (was that fear I saw?); and decided to give him a little taste of his own medicine by bitch slapping him a few times across the face. Every time I did, he seemed shocked, until finally, a crazy toothy grin smiled up at me and I knew he was as turned on as I was.
I suspected this: over the years, while Chris was the dominator, he often wanted someone else to dominate him.
So be it.
Enjoying my new found position, I shoved my cock into his mouth and said the same thing he'd always say to me when I was giving him head, "Get it good and wet!"
He almost sucked me off to an orgasm, so I had to pull out at the last second, because I wanted to fuck that jock ass of his.
Turning him back over, I decided to play a bit first, and I sort of went nuts, paddling his firm butt until his cheeks glowed a fiery, angry red.
"Mother fucker!" he yelled out over and over again.
"Shut up, punk", I replied back smacking him even harder.
Finally, at full throttle, I spit onto his asshole a few times and fingered him while he squirmed on the bed, and then I rammed my cock into him instantly and he screamed out my name and then called me a host of obscene things ... I laughed and said, "Shut the fuck up and take it!"
It felt funny using his coital exclamations, but at the same time, it was a major turn on.
His tight ass took me, and I rammed him for all I was worth and in a matter of minutes, we were one in that bed, our bodies connected and electric as spasms of pleasure rolled over us.
Just before I was about to cum, I pulled out and shoved my cock in his face and he opened his mouth and my seed shot into him and he took it, lapping it up, drinking it; all the while I was in an orgasmic haze of pleasure.
When I was done he pulled me down and kissed me, and I tasted my cum and his spearmint saliva.

Then I lay next to him, holding his sweaty, hairy, muscular body and worshiped him with my tongue while he beat off to a messy, satisfying orgasm ... we kissed again while his body arched and his cum sprayed into the air and down on both of us.
We stayed in bed for another hour or so, holding each other, hugging, and even when our cocks grew hard again we merely embraced and kissed.
And then, he turned to me and said, "Can I have a cigarette?"...
1 comment:
another hot one
keep them coming
-your fan in Boise
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