Elliot stood in front of me, I rested my left hand on his shoulder, and he rested his on mine. We faced each other jerking our cocks. "Today you have to be careful", he said, breathing heavily. "I know", I said as I felt my loins tense, "I love my boyfriend, but sometimes..." I shot my load on his chest and then he threw his head back, his cum flying projectile onto me, "I love my boyfriend too", he said trying to catch his breath...
1- A Love Supreme:
By 1990, Rick had finished college, graduated, and moved to New Jersey to live with me. We were officially a couple. Two men who lived and slept together; the new version of domestic tranquility.
Our lives could not have been any better. He landed a fabulous job with an accounting firm and was making a decent income, I had just been promoted at my job. We bought a condo in a rather blue chip community ...
It is odd to wake up one day and discover you are all grown up.
Besides the fact that we'd been together for some time, we were still very sexually active. In fact most mornings were spent leisurely jerking each other off while still in bed. I still loved and yearned for his touch and at least three times a week, we'd find ourselves fucking like love-sick teenagers.
On this one morning in Late September of 1990, I was in the bathroom just having come from the shower, a towel wrapped around me and was brushing my teeth when Rick strolled in, his white jockey shorts tenting, his eyes still bleary from sleep and his hair all askew. He said, "I have to take a piss and I'm hard."
"Damn morning wood", I said through a mouth full of toothpaste.
He smirked and made his way to the bowel and let his cock flop out. As he stood relaxed, I looked at him. He had been going to the gym a lot lately and had gained some weight in all the right places. He was still lean, but he now had a nice firm frame. Another thing was the body hair that had started sprouting on his chest. A small tuft of chestnut fur had spread on his upper torso and his forearms.
I spit into the sink and nonchalantly grabbed for his right nipple and gave it a tweak. He turned and said, "Keep it up man and I'll never pee." I slapped him on the ass and made my way back into the bedroom to dress.
About fifteen minutes later, Rick came into the bedroom, still damp from his shower, a towel wrapped around his waist. I was making the bed and looked up at him and said, "What's up, how come you are not dressed?"
He dropped the towel revealing his cock at full mast, "I am so damn horny" he said grabbing at his cock.
"Say no more", I replied jumping onto the bed and pulling toward me, and we began kissing.
He smiled, actually a smirk, "I want you to fuck me hard. No lube, just spit." I looked down on him and without a word dropped my pants and started rubbing my already engorged dick against his thigh.
He pulled me off the bed and braced himself against the dresser so that I could see his face in the mirror. I let a rope of spit fall onto my already hard

As always his butt proved a tight fit, and I had to work at it. But once I found my rhythm, there was no turning back. I started slamming into him now and between the both of us, I feared that we might knock the dresser over. Instead, Rick jerked down, his arms flying out sideways and knocked the small radio on the dresser to the floor. Instantly the room was filled with the percussive sounds of the third movement of Coltrane's "A Love Supreme".
I fucked him mercilessly to the frenetic beat until I could wait no longer and told him that I was going to come.
"Inside of me", he gasped, "cum inside of me".
I shot my load and brought my arms around him almost lifting him off the floor, the room went hazy for a second until I caught my breath, and then he said, "Stay in me".
He straightened up and started jerking off. I watched him work his cock in the mirror and then I saw his face flush red, and heard him grunt as a stream of his juice shot out and onto the mirror. It was followed by another until finally he shook and collapsed as I held him up.
I waited a few seconds and then withdrew. He turned to face me and jumped up wrapping his legs around my waist, encircling me with his arms. I held him and we kissed deeply. I saw from the mirror, my cum slowly leaking down his leg. And we continued kissing like that.
Then I traced the small circular scar on his ass cheek, the one I had left there with a cigar a few years back. He often referred to that as when I "branded" him.
2- Triad:
We doubled up in the shower later, each washing the other clean, and like always we ended up jerking off.
Our buddy Jon was coming into town for a few days before he flew off to London England for a job interview. Though it went unspoken, both Rick and I felt that Jon was the third part in our puzzle. We'd spent a lot of time, the three of us, together, and what went from just a causal fuck buddy, had morphed into something a bit deeper. I think we both loved him. At least I did. Also, the guy had an ass that just would not quit.
Before we left for Philadelphia, I called my parents who were now living in Florida and wished them a happy anniversary. My mother (still dwelling on a neat parcel of land near 'denial') asked how my "swinging bachelorhood" was going. I told her that I felt just like Dean Martin... and then Rick called out from the kitchen, "Yeah, when he was fucking Sinatra!" Luckily my mother did not hear the peanut gallery comment.
We arrived at the airport and waited at the designated pickup spot for Jon. Rick spotted him

When he got in the car I said, "Damn, boy, where'd you get those pants?" He smiled and said, "I wore them for you guys".
When we got to the the condo, Jon said, "Wow, Rick, you really did marry into money!" I smiled at my partner and said to Jon, "No sorry, this is a joint venture ... say would you like to see the bedroom?"
Later on that afternoon, we treated our guest to a double butt pounding. Rick went first and then me. In between fucking him, we both gave his sweet ass a rather brutal whipping with an old belt. When we were done his bum was filled with angry red welts.
Then, as was our practice, we turned him over and took turns at his cock sucking him off to an orgasm.
As he was shooting his load into Rick's mouth he sighed and whispered, "I love you both."
Over dinner that night Jon caught us up on what was going on in Boulder as well as this interview he had finessed overseas, "I'm as shocked as anyone", he said reaching for his glass of iced tea, "It was just a lark, and when they called me, I thought it was a joke."
"Hey man," Rick interjected, "you worked hard for this, you deserve it."
Jon nodded his head, his thick black hair falling into his eyes, "But I mean, what about us? I am going to miss you guys like crazy."
"Listen kid", I said, "you are young, handsome and smart. You'll find yourself someone in no time."
Jon smiled sadly and then asked, "Will it be as special as ... this?" he asked.
"It will be better", I said, "besides, you need a full time man."
And with that we talked of inconsequential things until Jon got up and pulled a small sheet of paper from his pocket. "I almost forgot" he said beaming, "I got my results back yesterday - negative!"
Rick and I smiled and related our latest tests which also were negative.
"Isn't this a bitch?" Rick said later, we've come so far and yet we have to worry about our past literally coming back to kill us."
"It is what it is", I said, you can rave against it or accept it and move on."
"Silence equals death", Jon said and then added, "I just saw a poster with that on it."
"The 90's", I sighed, "Welcome to the wrecking ball, gentlemen".
When we got back home, Rick went straight to bed leaving Jon and I to sit on the back deck and to enjoy the Indian Summer night. We smoked cigarettes and drank wine and talked and at one point Jon said, "I guess I am sort of jealous of what you and Rick have. I want that." I smiled at him and said, "I know how you feel, and your time will come. Hey, for now, you belong with us. We are a triad."
He smiled and shifted in his seat.
"Does your ass still hurt from this afternoon?" I asked. He nodded his head and blushed, "Does that make me a wimp?"
I laughed out loud and told him to come inside with me.
In the living room, I had him remove his pants and his underwear and lay face down on the sofa. I went into the powder room and got some salve out of the medicine cabinet and returned to Jon.
"Lay still, this will help", I said as I massaged the slightly flowery smelling cream onto his abused butt. He moaned softly and said, "That feels good."
It only took a few minutes for me to begin fingering his asshole ... a few moments later he was on his knees in front of me sucking my cock ... I shot a fast load in his mouth, and then I went down on him swallowing his cum ... we kissed and them made our way to bed, lying on either side of Rick.
3 - Invitation to The Dance:
"Come on", I demanded again, "I want to watch you two guys fuck!"

"Don't make me get out of this bed!" I mock threatened, and they both smiled and dove on to the bed, on to me, attacking me like a couple of oversexed horn-dogs. In a matter of seconds, Jon was sucking at my tits while Rick was going down on my aching cock. Then they switched off and Jon was giving me head, sucking me off like he was going for a gold medal. Before I could do anything I saw Rick get up off the bed and stand behind Jon and tear his briefs off and in one fell swoop, he began fucking him. Jon lifted his head from my dick and let out a howl and I grabbed my cock and said, "Now that's what I'm talking about!"
And I jerked off watching my red head pound the ass of the hot little dark haired stud. And when I had my orgasm, my cum hit Jon in the face ... and that's how Saturday morning began.
At breakfast we sprung our surprise on Jon.
"So dude", Rick said nonchalantly as he poured a cup of coffee, "you up to an orgy tonight?"
Jon looked up from his toast and said, "Huh?"
Rick and I both laughed and then I added, "No sweat, but Rick and I belong to this private club. It's really cool. A group of guys get together a few times a month and everyone has a good time."
Jon looked over at me and said quietly, "Uh, wait a second, remember what we were talking about last night? AIDS? I mean come on you can't be serious... in this day and age?"
"Oh wait, no", Rick interjected, "It is a strictly safe-sex thing. No real fucking,usually, mostly just circle jerks and some slap and tickle."
"Any anal action is done with condoms only", I added thinking that maybe Jon was not really game for this venture.
"It's like being at a party with the hottest guys in the world and you can strike up a conversation with them, have a drink, and get your rocks off.", Rick chimed in.
"And you guys 'belong' to this club?" Jon asked.
"You have to submit your HIV results monthly - it is part of the fee. Hey listen, if you don't want to go, it's cool, we can do something else", I added, suddenly feeling kind of bad that Jon seemed not to be digging this idea.
Rick and I exchanged a look and suddenly Jon said, "Well, I mean, I am kind of unsure, but if you guys say it's cool then I guess I'm game."
"Alright then", I said smiling, "Oh, you might want to wear those jeans from Friday..."
Rick laughed out loud and Jon mocked punched him and the two of them broke into laughter and I realized, again, how beautiful they were.
4- Clubland:
The club was actually a privately owned warehouse near Atlantic City. It all looked very respectable from the street with a large fence keeping the curious at bay, and a security guard checking memberships at the front gate.
Inside, was a large sparse space that was filled with old sofas and comfortable chairs, a juice bar lined the front wall and a row of lockers and private showers and rest rooms - hand painted signs hung on the cinder block walls that read, "Keep It Safe, Sane and Consensual" and "No Fucking With Out a Condom -- THIS MEANS YOU!"
My buddy, Karl met us at the lockers. Karl was this cute older guy, he was almost 50 but he looked at least ten years younger. He was short, with a muscular, but not overdone, build. He had a crop of short blond spiky hair and a devilish demeanor that was very charming. He was already stripped down to just a pair of black briefs and sneakers when he saw us and called out, "Hey boys ... and who is this?" he said sizing up Jon. Jon flashed a grin and Karl smiled and said, "OK, I'm melting - can I buy you a drink, you sexy little motherfucker?" and with that he was escorting him to the juice bar.
"Well that didn't take long", Rick said, stripped down to his white BVD's and even whiter sneakers. Before I could reply a deep voice behind me said, "Aw-right, my brothers!", and a I felt a firm warm hand on my shoulder. I turned and saw a handsome African American man in boxer shorts - it was my old pal, Zane who I had not seen in awhile. He gave me a bear hug and planted a deep kiss on my lips and then did the same to Rick.
"Ain't you a sight for sore eyes!", I said giving his left nipple a tweak. He reached for my crotch and gave my cock a hard squeeze, "So your free-balling, huh bud?"
I was wearing an old pair of 501's and was without underwear. My usual uniform at the club.
Zane then made a quick move to my bare chest and gave my tits a rather sharp pinch. Then he laughed and turned to Rick and said, "How's the fireball?" and before Rick could say anything, Zane had grabbed at his crotch. "Damn, that's one nice rocket you got there, reds." Rick blushed and reached for Zane's crotch and yanked his prick so that it sprang forth from his boxers.
Soon the three of us were huddled in a corner jerking each other. At one point, Zane reached over and started caressing Rick's ass and I found this to be a real turn on, and that made me shoot my load first. I leaned over and gave them both a quick kiss and said, "Have fun boys," and then to Zane, "Take good care of him, man". And Zane smiled at me and said softly, his cock still pointed at Rick, "Don't worry brother, he's in good hands." And with that I made my way to one of the private rest rooms to wash up.
After I exited the wash room, I saw that the club had filled up. Music was playing and the sexual vibe was on high. I came across a group of guys standing near the rear of the room. They were all watching the action in the back room, which had a couple of beds in it should anyone care to get horizontal-- A rare sight these days, a couple of guys actually fucking. Even with condoms and mandatory HIV tests, most of the guys at the club were a bit a resistant to anal, but every now and then, it would happen. I recognized the two guys fucking. The top man was Vinnie, the tough little Italian guy who was rumored to be married with kids. The bottom was his buddy, Sam, a quiet very femme guy who had one of the most beautiful asses I'd ever seen. I could not say I blamed Vinnie for getting a piece - and so I joined the confab and once more found my cock growing hard as I watched. Vinnie was a verbal guy and his voice carried. He kept calling Sam, his punk bitch. I had to laugh wondering what the tough guy's wife would think should she have come across this scene.
As I stood transfixed watching the action, I got to thinking about the old days, about Chris and Stu and Andy. I missed them, even though I did see Andy a lot; Chris was married now and living in Colorado, and Stu was somewhere in New England ... suddenly I was awash in melancholy, I wanted to leave this place and just go somewhere, anywhere and just be alone. I felt tired, I felt sad, I wanted to go back in time and reclaim my youth, I wanted to see Aaron again and spend a care free night with him in LA -- I wondered if he was even alive anymore, surely AIDS would have claimed him by now -- my hard on sagged and I was about to depart the small mob when this rather beefy guy saddled up next to me and put his arm around my shoulders and said, "What's the attraction?"
I turned and was suddenly face to face with a blindingly handsome young guy who had a head full of thick black hair that he wore rather short, he had the body of a football player and a chest full of thick fur. He smiled brightly at me and said again, "So, what's the attraction?"
"Oh", I said rather stupidly, "Those guys back there fucking".
The big guy glanced over at Vinnie and Sam and shrugged his shoulders and then turned back to me and said, "I'd rather be sucking your dick."
"Well", I said, "I'm never one to turn down a blow job, especially when it's offered by a hot thing like yourself, but, uh could we sit down for a bit first?" His arm remained causally draped about my shoulder and he nodded his head and said, "Lead the way".
We flopped down into a pair of lawn chairs. He sat directly across from me, smiling broadly and reached into the pocket of his soccer shorts he was wearing and offered me a cigarette. I took one and lit up and then he excused him self, and few minutes later returned with a couple of paper cups; "Nothing harder than Dr. Pepper, sadly.", he said offering me a cup.
As I sipped the cup of lukewarm soda, I sized up my new friend. Handsome, oh yes, sort of looked a little like that guy who was playing Superman on that TV show, Lois and Clark. He had the body of an athlete , it was beefy, muscular, but with a little bit of extra padding. In fact, he was sort of built like me. He was as tall as I was also. Then my eyes drifted south, and I saw the bulge in his shorts - pretty respectable - and suddenly, my feelings of melancholia were replaced by those of a more prurient nature.
"My name is Elliot", he said smiling broadly at me.
I told him my name and he nodded his head quickly and said, "I saw you here last month, with that cute red-head. Are you and him together?"
I nodded my head and said, "What about you?"
"Yeah, he's here somewhere; probably getting his cock sucked by someone, the pig", and then he laughed, and it was a deep infectious laugh that made a few of the guys surrounding us look over. "Hey want to know something really kinky about me and him?"
"Sure, why not", I said smiling and putting out my cigarette.
"He was my phys ed teacher in 11th and 12th grade! He picked me up at a bar about two months after graduation!"
"Wow!" I said genuinely impressed, "That is so 'Front Runner' ".
He stared at me blankly.
"The Front Runner, the book by Patricia Nell Warren?" I said looking for recognition.
He shook his head, "Sorry, don't know it."
"How old are you, Elliot?" I asked smirking.
"Just turned 19 last week".
"Well, that explains it, then". And then I gave him a quick run down of the novel about the coach and student and their tragic love affair. "When I hear stories like that, it makes me sad that I missed the 70's - it must have been wild back then."
"It was", I said absently.
"Hey, how old are you?" He asked suddenly.
"31", I replied.
His left eyebrow leaped and he said, "I love older men," then he sprang from his seat and pulled me up, we embraced and made our way to a corner - face to face, his blue eyes looking straight into mine, his cock pushing through his shorts, he whispered, "I wish you could fuck me."
"I wish I could too, but you know, man, It's a different time, we cant be...", his hands came up and he grabbed onto my nipples pinching them so hard that I jerked back a bit. I brought my arms around him and pulled him closer and kissed him. He tasted of soda and cigarettes... then he pulled back a little and bit me lightly on the neck and said in a gasp, "You are so fucking hot, grab my dick", and I did, and we moved in as close as we could, my hand pulling his cock from his shorts, his hands freeing mine from my jeans and we yanked each other off until he said, "I want to suck you off, now." I stepped back and watched as he pulled something from his shorts pocket. It was a condom that that he expertly tore from the package using his teeth, and then slipped over my cock.
Then he got on his knees and attacked my cock like a wild dog. It felt good, and so I closed my eyes for a second and then went with it. While he sucked, his hands held tightly to my ass and he pushed me in closer - the kid was energetic, that's for sure. While he was blowing me I glanced around the dimly lit room and saw men engaging in all sorts of play ... there were a bunch of guys huddled together making out, and three guys sitting on a sofa jerking off while a cute little blond kid stood in front of them slowly taking his clothes off, in the back of the room, I caught site of Karl dry humping Jon while he was braced against the wall, Near the bar, A guy was strung up while a group of men took turns paddling his ass with a belt; I wondered where Rick was and then I caught site of him, head thrown back, a look of ecstasy on his face; someone, I could not tell if it was Zane, was giving him head.
Just then Elliot stopped and stood up, once more embracing me, kissing me, he pushed my head to his chest and I lapped up the sweat from his chest hair, and then began sucking on his left tit, he moaned loudly and shook a bit.

Then Elliot's hands grabbed my head and he pushed me down to his cock. I don't know when he did it, but his cock was covered in a condom already. I opened up and gave the kid the best blow job I could and while I was doing it, I threw in a little treat by worming a finger into his tight asshole.
He let out a war cry howl and I felt his body shake again.
When I decided that he'd enough of my mouth and I pulled back, I noted that the Gray Wolf was standing next to us know - this man was devastatingly handsome, like a movie star. His dark eyes glinted in the dim light, his lips a half smile, his body sheer perfection.
Elliot did not seem to notice and we were kissing again. And suddenly I felt a hand on my back, slowly moving down to my ass. Then I felt my self being fingered. Before I could react, the Gray Wolf had moved and was behind Elliot and he brought his arms around him, and then me, bringing the three of us in . I watched for a second as The Gray Wolf bit Elliot on the neck and the kid closed his eyes in bliss ... and then like that, The Wolf was gone.
"Hot huh?" he said pausing for a second, and then once more we were face to face, the both of us jerking off, condoms discarded, our cocks leaking juice all over the floor. He stepped back and said, breathlessly, "I really wish you could fuck me, but times have changed"... he tried to catch his breath now, and his face was going red. I said, "I know man", equally as winded. We continued jerking, casting glances at each other... we were now standing directly in front of each other, our cocks aimed like guns, like cowboys about to shoot...
Elliot stood in front of me, I rested my left hand on his shoulder, and he rested his on mine. We faced each other jerking our cocks. "Today you have to be careful", he said, breathing heavily. "I know", I said as I felt my loins tense, "I love my boyfriend, but sometimes..." I shot my load on his chest and then he threw his head back, his cum flying projectile onto me, "I love my boyfriend too", he said trying to catch his breath...
Neither of us said anything else as the last few drops of cum fell to the ground, but once more we fell into each others arms, our torsos covered in the other's jizz, we held each other sticky and sweaty and finally he whispered, "Thank you".
As I reached down to hitch my jeans up, I watched him casually stroll off, holding his shorts in his hand, to the rest room. Then I looked down at my chest and realized I'd better do the same.
1 comment:
Welcome back, I needed this story!
Ray from Evans City, Pa
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