Cleaned up and feeling sort of tired, I made my way to one of the many sofas that lined the back wall of the club. I sat with a cup of soda, wishing that they had something stronger, and sipped.
From my vantage point, what I mostly saw were the torsos of the club's inhabitants. It was a veritable cavalcade of beautiful guys. Though I imagined, had this been 1979, as opposed to 1990, thing would have been a tad wilder here.
Just then a deep, rich voice from above said, "Care for some company?"
I looked up and saw the Gray Wolf from earlier. He was wearing a pair of jogging pants and sneakers. He looked even more handsome than I'd remembered with his closely cropped hair and beard that was spiked with streaks of silver. As he got closer, I noted his chest hair had some white in it also.
"Don Rockman", he said in a no nonsense style while offering me his hand. It was a strong handshake.
I told him my name and then said, "Oh you were the one admiring my friend and I earlier."
He grinned, a wicked smile, and said, "Your friend. My boy."
I looked at him momentarily puzzled by his last remark and then it dawned on me what he meant; "Oh, you and Elliot, you're his ... you're the gym teacher!"
He laughed heartily, his eyes squinting revealing lines around them, and said, "One and the same."
"Hey, listen, I'm sorry, I mean I hope it was not out of line ... me and him...", I fumbled.
"Shit", he said eying the room, "you think we'd be here if I had a problem with sharing?"
I nodded my head and cleared my throat for lack of anything to say, quite frankly, I was dazzled by this guy's presence. He was alarming in his masculinity, and he pretty much dripped with a dark sensuality that I am sure drove many of his students to forbidden fantasies of their phys ed teacher.
"You know I don't teach anymore. After I realized that Ell and I were going to be more than friends, I resigned. These days I'm a personal trainer. Lots of money to be made whipping housewives into shape in suburbia.", he said with out a hint of irony.
Then he continued, his dark eyes never leaving mine, "I picked him up at a bar, actually I had my eye on him since his senior year. Lot's of cute punks in that class of his, but he stood out, and I knew he was family."
"Family?" I quizzed.
Once more I nodded and once more he continued, "I loved teaching, but the older I got, the more I realized that It was young man's game. Plus I was tired of the closet, I wanted out." He paused for a second and then added, "That kid keeps me young."
"If you don't mind me saying, you look pretty good, I mean what are you 40?"
"I'll be 49 next week", he answered.
"Get out of town!" I said genuinely shocked. "I'd have never guessed it; do you have a portrait in your attic that is getting older?", I joked.
The Gray Wolf, Doug, put his arm around my shoulder (much like his boyfriend had earlier in the night) and said, "Come on, let's see what's going on.", and with that we strolled through the club.

We stopped for a minute to watch these two cute semi-hairy guys who were getting head from a third party. Both of the dudes sported five-o-clock shadows and unruly mops of black hair. When the taller of the two looked my way, he nodded his head quickly and winked in recognition.
"You know these two?" Don asked.
"Mike and Mike. Not sure of their last names."
"Yeah", Don said quietly, "Would not mind putting those two through the ringer some time."
Just then Mike 1, reached over to Mike 2 and pulled on his buddy's left nipple. Mike 2 grinned a lopsided smile and and pulled Mike 1 closer, then he yanked the cocksucker from his dick and shoved his head onto Mike 1's dick. The two dark haired studs moved in and kissed each other while their free hands played over each other's chests.
I looked over at my companion who seemed a million miles away as he said, "Remember when you could suck a stranger's cock with out a rubber?"
Glancing back over at the Mikes I said, "Yes, as a matter of fact I do. But times have changed..."
"How do you suppose guys like us survived? I mean, I lived the wild life back in the 70's! And I've buried a dozen friends over the past few years. I had sex with every one of those guys, I just don't get it.", he stopped and once more put his arm around my shoulder, leading me away from the show, "I keep trying to tell Ell that he has no idea what it was like back in the day. I want to keep him safe, but I also want him to know the joy of being gay."
"The joy of being gay?"
He glanced at me steely and nodded, "You know, cruising men, meeting a hot number somewhere and fucking him and then just moving on. It was like a big old dance back then, and we had as many dance partners as we wanted..."
"Yeah, well now the ball is over and the bill's come due", I replied, once more wishing I had something stronger to drink.
"True, but men are men, gay or straight, they just want sex, as well as variety. Fucking AIDS killed that."
"What do you call of this then?" I asked motioning about the room, "This is the same damn thing, it's just that certain things are now taboo."
"A dildo will never take place of a real cock", he grunted, leading me to another group of men. "These younger guys are never going to know that rush of unbridled sex with a stranger."
"You really mourn the past, don't you", I asked seriously.
"Don't you?", he asked.
"I did, sometimes I still do, but it is what it is, I can't change any of it. At least I had a chance to run wild and sow those wild oats. These days I have a partner and I've never been more content."
"Really", he said his eyebrow arched, "then what the fuck are you doing here?"
Realizing that I was not going to win this conversation I blurted out, "Because sometimes, I want to be with like-minded guys. Sometimes I want to watch - oh and yeah, my partner is here with me also. Maybe, in my own way, I want him to experience some of that joy of being gay."
Suddenly it was like the clouds broke and Don's grim demeanor changed. He threw his head back and laughed and smiled a broad gorgeous grin and pulled me in closer to him so that I smelled his musk and said, "Beautiful, man! I'm sorry, I don't mean to be such a downer, sometimes it just all gets to me. You're right what the fuck am I moping about? Got a hot guy, got a good life, got my health!"
And then, out of nowhere, Rick was suddenly at my said, "Where in the hell have you been?" he

2 - The Joy of Being Gay:
"Don", I said as I pulled Rick over to me, "This little spit-fire is, Rick."
And greetings were exchanged and hands were shook, and eventually cocks were grabbed and nipples were pinched and asses were slapped. A few moments later, Elliot wandered over and soon the four of us were in a huddle ... I kissed Rick who turned and kissed Elliot, who turned and kissed Don, who turned and kissed me; and with that, the circle was complete. Now we were all on a large mat, our cocks all sheathed, and we took turns at each other's dicks. At one point Don was staring straight at me while Rick was sucking him off and Elliot was doing the same to me. He reached his muscular arm over and gave my left pec a hearty slap with one of his meat-hook-hands - so I returned the favor and once more I saw that smile cross his lips ... later on, we lay back jerking off, Don and I, watching "our boys" sucking each other off 69 style, at one point Rick starting fingering Elliot, and this made the jock shudder in pleasure ... after awhile, we were joined by others. Karl had Jon splayed flat out on the mat near me, he was working a huge dildo up Jon's ass, and the kid was moaning in pain and pleasure. I found myself somewhat mesmerized by the sight of Karl's right bicep bulging and relaxing as he shoved the sex toy in and out of Jon's tight bum ... Then hands were wrapped around my chest from behind, it was Mike 1, his five-o-clock shadow scratching me as he nuzzled at my neck, his fingers mercilessly abusing my tits; and then I felt a hand slide in between my legs, it was Don's and he managed to get a few digits into my hole while his other hand rested on Elliot's ass ...

More guys came onto the mat, and for a time I could not tell who was who. The smell of sweat was heavy, intoxicating. I managed to grab a hold of Don's right arm and I pulled him to me, he met my mouth and we kissed until someone pulled him back and I watched as another guy attached himself to the Gray Wolf's chest, sucking on his nipples. Don threw his head back and sighed in pleasure. Then when I turned I was face to face with Karl's crotch. His cock straining through his briefs, I could see the wet spot so I reached up and gave his member a good squeeze and let got. He brought his crotch up to my face and began humping it and I brought a free hand up and pushed his ass towards me, feeling his rod like a piece of pipe slamming my cheek. When he turned around quickly, distracted by someone, I pulled his briefs down and bit his ass... Directly across from me were two guys,

Now Vince and Sam are the center of attention. Vince, his leather jacket discarded, has Sam over his knee and is beating his ass with a belt. Sam's cries are like the howls of a mad dog; suddenly, Vince, his body covered in sweat, tosses the

The showers may have been private, but that did not stop them from filling up with more than one user. In the little stall I was using to clean up in, Zane and Rick joined me. We lathered each other up and took turns rinsing under the shower heads. In the stall next to me, Karl and Jon were sudsing and so on...
As Rick and I toweled off, Elliot came over in just a towel and said, "Yo, dudes, my old man wants to know if you want to get together some time."
"Only if I get to fuck you.", Rick said winking at me.
I looked over at my boyfriend and smiled and gave Elliot my phone number, and later on, as he and Don were leaving, the Gray Wolf paused at the door and said, "Nice meeting you and your boy tonight, can't wait to get together again." I nodded my head and replied, "Looking forward to it, man." -- and I meant it!
In the car, on the way home, Jon said, "Damn, my ass is gonna be sore for weeks".
"I dunno, Jon", I said driving, "looked to me like you were enjoying it."
"I never said I wasn't" he grinned goofily. And then, "Thanks for turning me on to this...oh by the way..."
"Karl gave you his phone number", Rick said in mock surprise.
And in the rear view mirror I caught glimpse of them both, and once more I thought to myself how beautiful they both were ... especially Rick.
"After Fucking Glow!" Rick said loudly in a mock Hulk Hogan voice, "That's what it is, brother! Old Karl's got himself a case of the tight-ass-Jon-Boy-blues!" and they both began laughing loudly.
I adjusted the mirror and turned on the radio, and then pulled Rick closer to me. I caught Jon's eye in the rear view and winked at him.
4 - Two Weeks Later:
Jon eventually made it to London, and he got the job. He'd start working there after the first of the year. In the meantime, Karl was flying back and forth to Boulder. Karl and Jon were officially an item, and over time, Rick and I saw less of our buddy. But we were happy for him.
We saw Elliot and Don about a week after the night at the club. But that's another story for another time.
Tonight, on this early October evening, Rick is straddling me, he is sitting down on my cock and his face is a mask of pain.
"I still can't get over how it feels like you're splitting me in half whenever you fuck me", he gasps.
I reach up for his tits and pinch them and he bucks forward ... and we continue until I shoot a load up his ass. And then I lay on my stomach and have him fuck me. He dives on to my back and shoves his rod up my hole and bangs away, all the while I feel my own cock getting hard again. He cums up my ass and then falls off of me.
We clean up and get back into bed. I hold him and he says, "Is this forever?"
"I'm afraid so, Red".
He nudges me and says, "Seriously."
I say, "Baby, I might still look and maybe even touch now and then, but this is all ... it's a big old dance, that's what it is. And as long as you'll have me, save the last dance for me."
He rolls his eyes and says, "Oh jeez".
I tussle his hair and say, "You asked for it."
And then we lay still and close our eyes until eventually we both drift off to sleep.
1 comment:
Oh man, what a great denouement to that story ... loved it! Keep them coming.
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