1-All About Steve
Once Mike and I were away from the mass of bodies, we crashed onto an old sofa to catch our breath.
“Best fuck I had in awhile”, he said to me. “and that ass of yours is fucking tight!”
I smiled and said, “Yeah, your hole is pretty tight as well”. We smiled at each other and casually draped arms around each other’s shoulders. We waited for the energy to make our way to the shower to wash off the sweat and cum that we were both covered in. In front of us, the bed was now filled, a mass of muscular flesh in various positions; like a surrealist painting come to life.
Suddenly, the skinny dude from earlier, Steve, was standing at our side. He was smiling shyly and stroking his impressive cock. Besides the white high tops on his feet, he was starkers.
“What’s up, torpedo-boy?” Mike asked as he lazily reached for the young man’s weapon.
“Well, I was kind of hoping that one of you might help me get off…that is if you’re not tired out from earlier”, He smiled shyly again, and blushed.
“Awright”, I said getting up from the sofa and motioning for the young stud to have a seat, “Mike, he’s all yours, I gotta hit the showers.” Mike high-fived me and then then sat up and quickly pulled Steve to the chair, “Why don’t you lick the sweat off my chest, first” he said in his gravely voice… and as I strolled away, my shorts back on, I watched as Steve began slurping up the perspiration on my buddy’s hairy chest. I smiled to myself and looked around the room once more…all of these horny guys – the sexual energy was downright palatable.
2-Getting Wet with the Varsity Guy
The showers were in the front of the building, just off the entrance. As I passed the main room of the club, I noted that the place was getting very crowded. Disco music was blaring from the main room where the bars were set up. In the past, the main room was used for sex, these
days it was just what I called the “S & M” room, for Standing and Modeling…this is where guys stood in various stages of undress hoping to pique someone else’s interest.
As I rounded the corner to the showers, I caught sight of a tall, broad shouldered man with a thick crop of curly hair. He was wearing a wrestling singlet, and his back was to me. For a split second, I thought that I was seeing Chris. That, of course, was not the fact. The guy here was a bit taller, a tad thicker. As I passed him, I noted a young man on his knees giving the jock head. The wrestler caught my eye and smiled and said, “Want some?” as he motioned to the young kid sucking his cock.
“Nah, “ Just got my rocks off and need to shower.
He pushed the kid’s head from his cock and said, “Want some company? I am pretty sweaty myself, went a few rounds with your boyfriend earlier.”
“Rick?” I asked, watching as he tucked his still hard cock back into his tights.
“Yeah, he’s pretty tough, gave me a beating, if you want to know the truth.”
“What else did he get?” I asked.
“Nothing! That’s why I was getting sucked off, but, “ He looked to see if his cock sucker was still around, he was not, “the little guy was all teeth, no style … what is it with these young fags today? Didn’t anyone teach them the fine arts?”
I laughed out loud and nodded my head.
“So”, he said, as he grabbed a gym bag from the floor, “You and Rick, are you guys exclusive?”
“We are a couple, but we fool around – safe sex only, and we don’t keep secrets”.
“That’s healthy”, he said. “so, if you and I were to hook up, it would be cool?”
“It would, but like I said, I already got off, and I need to shower.”
“Oh hey, no pressure, guy, just want to know the rules”. He smiled and put his arm around me, he smelled of sweat and cologne and up close, he was pretty handsome. “My name is Eric". And with that we shook hands, stripped down and made our way to an empty stall.
The hot water felt good, and when Eric got behind me and started washing my hair, I smiled. It was pure bliss. I returned the favor, and found myself getting hard as my fingers made their way through his thick, wet hair. Figuring that all was fair in love and showers, I rubbed my hard cock on his ass and he said, “Beat up by the boyfriend and fucked by you, what a night!” I gave his ass a smack and he turned and smiled…we continued washing each other off and then used warm water douches on each other’s ass, “Now we’re spring time fresh”, Eric said laughing.
After we toweled off, I reached for my shorts and Eric said, “Wait, put these on instead”, and he reached into his gym bag and handed me a black singlet, “That was mine when I wrestled Varsity”, he said. The fit was snug but comfortable. Eric put on a dark blue singlet and said, “Let’s go to the sex wrestling room, maybe get into some tag team action with that boy friend of yours.
Making our way down the hall, we passed a boisterous group of men, all of them balding, slightly going to pot, but still sexy. “Married men”, Eric sighed, “All bravado and tough talk, and the easiest fuck you’ll ever find”. Once more I laughed out loud, and turned and looked at Eric and asked, “So really, after you and Rick wrestled, you guys did not fuck?”
“Scout’s honor, and I was ready to give it up … and he was sporting some major wood!”
I smiled and nodded my head, “Yeah, he’s got one hell of a cock”.
We stopped at the bar, and had a couple of sodas and then made our way to the gym.
3 – Sex Wrestling
Sex wrestling was held in a large room with a make-shirt ring, and a bunch of mats on the floors. Surrounding the ring and mats, were chairs, cots, and, of course, a large table with boxes of lube and condoms. The wall’s were festooned with graffiti, and on the wall furthest from the doorway was a collection of leather belts, boxing gloves, and sex toys. As soon as you entered the room the rules were posted in large block lettering:
If you don’t want to wrestle, you must leave this room now!
If you wrestle and lose, you must submit to the victor’s will If you refuse, you will lose all club privileges
You might get gang banged if you lose, you might get hurt, and you might get humiliated – if you are man enough to face this, welcome to THE GYM!
In the ring were two half naked dudes locked in a power struggle, one of them was being choked and forced to submit. Eric seemed to like what he was seeing and made his way closer to the ring.
I scanned the room and then I saw Rick, sitting on a chair, while some guy was sucking his cock. His head was thrown back, his thick red hair askew, his muscular body covered in sweat, the beard he had just recently started sporting made him look older, more mature, more dangerous. I made my way over to them and placed my foot gently on the cock sucker’s back and said to him, “Take care of him, buddy, or he’ll fuck you up.” Rick looked up and smiled and reached for me, he pulled me to him and we kissed long and hard until Rick dismissed his latest conquest and stood up, his prick at full alert, his white tights pulled down, “Had two matches, beat ‘em both”, he said smiling cockily, “ I grabbed his thick cock and smiled back, “Yeah, you’ve become one tough fucker”. He pulled me to him and said, “I learned from the best”.
“So I met, Eric,” I said motioning to the hunky dude, “How come you didn’t take a victory lap after you beat him?”
“Savin’ it up”, he said.
I nodded and then told him that Mike 1 and I had fucked. He grabbed his cock and said, “Now that I would have loved to see”.
I turned when I heard voices raised and cheering, the loser of the last bout was getting fucked in the ring, a group of horny fans stood cheering as the victor screwed the ass of his fallen opponent. I watched and felt the energy go up a notch in the room. Funny, how many gay guys really got off on the trappings of pro-style wrestling. There was a time I thought that me and my buddies were the only ones; I thought of Chris for a second, he would love this scene…
“I challenge you, fucker!” I turned and saw Mike 2, his face red with anger, His hair was longer than I remembered it, and he had a beard now,
“You fucked Mike! No body gets that ass but me! And you are gonna’ pay, I am going to beat your ass in front of everyone, hell, I’ll even take on that muscle-head cocksucker boyfriend of yours…”
I shut him up by pushing pushing him back, hands landing on his firm chest, saying, “Take it to the ring, boy! Hope you are ready for a beating!” I tried not to laugh at the ridiculous bravado, but it was all part of the scene. The fact was, Mike 2 was really pissed off – I had no idea that he felt this way about Mike 1, I always figured them for fuck buddies only.
I turned to Rick and said, “Did you hear this punk? What say we hurt him?” Rick pulled his tights back up, tucked his hard cock in adjusted it and motioned with his head to the ring. I loosened the top part of my wrestling suit, and folded it back, revealing my chest and then saw that my cock was rock hard and showing through the worn fabric…I was ready to hurt somebody.
4- Battle
The three of us were going to engage in something called a Bermuda Triangle Match. Technically three guys go in, one comes out. But in our case it was going to be a two on one squash. Rules, and I use that term loosely, because sex wrestling at the club really had no rules, was that each guy could have two other men he could tag in at any time. That put Rick and I at a major advantage over Mike 2. We made our choices quick, Rick had Jon and Eric as his tag ins, while I picked Karl and Elliot. My choices were simple, Karl might have been an older guy, but he was devious, strong and quick; Elliot was my brute force, the kid could kick ass like nobody’s business. I sort of wished that Don was here tonight, he would have been my first choice as he had the attributes of both of my partners, nonetheless, sides were picked. Mike 2 Picked a couple of guys I did not know that well, Jess was a blond slab of meat who was as handsome as a model and rumored to be one tough bastard, and Ray Ray, was the hot little Asian Hispanic mix with thick black hair, a bad temper and a cock the size of Detroit. Meanwhile, our opponent himself, while pretty muscular and tough as nails, was not much of a wrestler. I’d seen him in action, he could brawl, but he had no real moves, you just had to wear him out. Also, I’d already figured what I was going to do to him when we were through. Mike 2 was one of those exclusive tops, the guy reportedly never gave it up to anyone…tonight that would change, I hope the punk relished loosing his cherry, as much as I was going to enjoy taking it from him.
We jumped into the ring to a smattering of applause from the other horny dudes, someone yelled out, “SHOW YOUR COCKS!”, instead Rick and I did our best muscle
pose, feeling like fools, but the whistles and calls from the other men seemed to be positive. When we stood back up, our tag partners were at the lip of each far end of the ring, Karl and Elliot were already packing, the both of them sporting major hardons, While Jon and Eric, were slapping Rick on the back and giving him encouragement. It was all so fucking hot – having these strong, handsome, sexy studs in your corner – sexual, yes, but comforting knowing they had our backs.
Mike 2 charged into the ring under the bottom rope. He was wearing skin tight blue tights and had a leather belt around his fist. Behind him, Jess and Ray Ray stood, stoic , both of them in black tights giving Rick and I the evil eye, Elliot called out to them, “You guys ready to get your asses fucked?”
Rick stood back while Mike and I circled each other in the ring, every now and then one of us would shoot foreword and then pull back – fake outs- until finally, I went in we locked up. Instantly I was able to push him back into my corner, and just as instantly, the first cheap shot of the match came when Karl reached out and under and gave Mike’s balls a quick grab from behind. He dropped to his knees, and I used that moment smash him , face first, into the mat. He howled out in pain and I felt my cock grow harder…I reached down again, and picked him up by his hair, I could hear Ray Ray shouting out to him, encouraging him. I smirked and put him in a side headlock making sure that I kept the pressure to his head firm. He struggled and managed to punch me in the leg a few times…I let go of him, and watched as he fell to the mat again, I charged him, and grabbed at his arms, pulling them back behind me, while my left leg pushed into his back – he let go with a deafening roar of pain and I felt my sadistic side rise.
I got him in a camel clutch, using his chin to pull him, sitting on the small of his back , and Rick casually strolled over and gave him an open handed slap across the face and yelled, “Like it, pussy?” Another roar from the crowd, and more yelling from Ray Ray…I let go of Mike, and let Rick take over. He fell on top of Mike and started slamming his hips up and down, dry humping our opponent. “Can you feel my cock, jerk off?” He taunted, “gonna stretch out your pussy tonight!”, and then Rick let go of him and jumped up, and then fell onto him with his fist, driving it into the small of Mike’s back. Just then, Eric yelled out, “Bring him over!” And Rick yanked the punk from the floor and bull whipped him to the side ropes, and instantly, Jon and Eric grabbed hold of him, restraining him against the back turnbuckle. Rick and I charged over and laid in a few gut punches to the flat stomach of our foe, and then I stood in front of him, and rubbed my hard crotch in to his face. Some one in the crowd yelled out, “Fuck his face!” Instead, I punched him and when Jon and Eric let him go, he fell to the mat again.
“Get up!” I yelled to him, “Get the fuck up, you punk!” I was getting tired of this, where was his fight?
Finally, he did get up, and out of the clear blue he rammed me like a bull and I fell into the center ropes and was immediately grabbed by Jess and Ray Ray. Engulfed by muscular arms, Mike started punching me in the chest, the pain was both overwhelming and exciting. I’d danced this dance before, I’d been on the receiving end of plenty of beatings, I knew I could take it.
Then Mike tagged in Ray Ray, and the tough stud yanked me hard from the center ropes and onto the mat, we rolled around, Ray Ray was slippery and a dirty fighter, he kept grabbing at my nuts and trying to choke me, finally, he flipped me over and got me into a camel clutch, like I’d done to Mike earlier, “Like it, faggot?!” he yelled in my ear, “let’s see how you like it!” Now he shifted his hold and turned it into a choke, his sinewy arm around my throat, he pulled me down further on the mat. I could feel his cock, his huge fucking cock, pressing up against me as he tightened the choke around my neck. I tried to maneuver him off me, but the tough little bastard was implacable, for a split second I was sure this guy was going to best me, until I heard a familiar cry go up, the sound of Elliot charging our way with his war whoop, the same sound he made when shooting a load…in an instant Ray Ray was yanked from my body and I caught site of Elliot, his body already covered in sweat, his muscles in high relief. lifting the guy up into the air and dropping him onto the mat, and then bringing one of his work boots down on the guy’s gut. I jumped up to my feet, and joined him, smashing my feet into him, “Yeah Daddy,” Elliot howled, “time to smash this bitch!” Now Rick joined in, and managed to get a stomp on to Ray Ray’s thigh. But this kid was a tough fucker, and quick. In spite of what we were doing to him he rolled away quickly and got to his feet and smirked at the three of us. I instantly liked this fucker in spite of everything and even though I was going to hurt him, I had other plans for later … I charged Ray Ray and got my arms around his waist, putting him in a bear hug. He threw his head back and let go with a litany of curses. I could feel the humongous cock of his, now pressing up against my stomach as I carried him around the ring and continued squeezing the air out of him. Just as I was about drop him, I felt a savage pound to my back, I fell forward, releasing Ray Ray, who pulled away, and an instant later, I was being pummeled by the blond Adonis, Jess.
He threw another punch and it connected with my jaw, I saw stars, and then we fell into each other and started wrestling around on the mat. He met every move and was impossibly fast and strong. Once again, I was both aroused and pissed off. I managed to get a leg up, and reverse him and put him in a figure four leg lock. Suddenly his handsome face went from stoic
to a look of shock and pain, I arched my back and let the hold do its stuff, reveling in his guttural cries of pain.
While he struggled against me, I watched as Karl, hopped into the ring and made a mad dive onto Jess, and immediately, he grabbed the guy’s crotch and started mauling it. He laughed crazily and yelled out, “Oh yeah, this is what happens when you play with the big boys, son!”
I broke the hold and rolled over and said to Karl, “Fuck him up, man.” and Karl proceeded to teach the handsome young buck a thing or two about dirty fighting. Karl, yanked him up by his hair, but kept his other hand on Jess’s crotch and proceeded to shove him around the ring while cat calls and cheers went up from the crowd – the energy was reaching an apex, anything could happen. Then I realized that the guy who started this was still outside the ring. I looked around and saw Jon pacing the outside of the ring and then ran to him, pointed out, Mike and said, “Come on, man, let’s finish him off”.
Meanwhile, Rick and Eric were double teaming Ray Ray, while Karl and Elliot were beating the tar out of Jess.
Jon and I made our way to the outside of the ring, and managed to throw Mike back in. He tried to fight back, throwing a couple of punches, but we were too fast for him, and as soon as Jon could, he restrained the fucker by pinning his arms behind his back, I stood in front of him and gave him a sharp chop to his throat, he gagged and bucked, but Jon held him tight. I reached for his chest then and gave his tits a major tweak, Jon laughed and then I said, “Alright buddy, show him what you got”.
And with that, we each took an arm and threw him deeper into the ring, and then Jon wrestled the bastard down quickly, and wrapped his legs around Mike. Mike tried to resist, but Jon’s muscular limbs were like cobras, and when he got him right were he wanted him, he pushed Mike’s head down on his crotch and rubbed his face into his bulge. It was some excellent humiliation, but still, I wanted Mike to suffer more, the fucker deserved it.
Scooping him up by his trunks from Jon’s crotch, I exposed Mike’ sweet ass, it was definitely some primo bubble butt, and I could not wait to get some of it. When I got him to his feet, he surprised me by throwing a pretty decent punch that connected with my upper chest. I smiled and put my own fists up, and for the next few seconds we went back and forth at each other exchanging blows. I had to admit, that since he had that belt still wrapped around his right fist, his punches had some extra power to them. At this point, Karl and Ray Ray were on either side of us, just waiting for a chance to join in the fun. Ray Ray’s crotch was obscenely tenting now, and I have to admit it was something of a distraction…now I saw Jon, and then Jess and Erick, as well a Elliot and Rick surrounding the two us while we continued throwing punches. It was hot watching my five some eye Mike’s partner’s just waiting for a chance to turn this into a battle royal.
Mike then threw a sucker a punch my way, and I fell back – right into Jess, who grabbed my arms and held me. Instantly, Mike and Ray Ray were using me for a punching bag, a couple of times, I felt Ray Ray’s boot in my gut – I could hear Jess laughing while the other two beat me. It did not last long as my guys jumped in and the brawl started in earnest. Elliot did some major damage to Jess and actually picked him up and threw him down on the mat in a slam that made the whole ring vibrate…meanwhile Rick and Jon double teamed Ray Ray, they got him down on the mat and mercilessly began clawing at his massive crotch – and then I was facing Mike, he was being restrained by Eric and Karl. The guys held him by his outstretched arms, and I used the advantage to land my boot covered foot directly in his gut. Once he fell to the mat again, I wasted no time in pinning him, and then I shouted out to him, “Give?!” He screamed at the top of lungs, “YES! I GIVE!” It was music to my ears. And then, Rick and I stood in the center of the mayhem and raised our hands in victory. The crowd was going crazy now, and the best was yet to come.
5- The Victory Lap
It didn’t take much to get Mike 2 just where I wanted him. He was dragged to the corner of the ring, his back to me, his face to the crowd in the gym. Karl and Elliot used hand cuffs to secure him to the ropes, and reinforced them with duct tape so he could not move. Jon and Erick, spread his legs and tied them to the outer sub- posts with rope.
The guys were all primed and ready, I told Jess and Ray Ray, that they had a choice, either they could could join their team captain or they could take part in his
punishment, both of them eagerly agreed to the later. Then I asked Rick to keep things going for a few minutes, I had something to do.
I jumped out of the ring amidst cheers and slaps to the back and high fives. Already, I could see that a lot of the other guys were in sex mode, cocks were being sucked, men were jerking off, and over in a corner, near the far end of the ring, I saw some guy taunting another guy, the both of them in boots and tights. The guy sitting down, was pushing his pal’s face into his crotch, every once in a while he’d pull the other guy’s head back and slap it, and then push it back down on his crotch. The top guy caught my gaze and gave me a thumbs up… I continued out of the gym, down the hall, and found Mike 1 and some guy fooling around in one of the shower stalls, “Hey Mike, I yelled”, he looked up and smiled and then said, “What the fuck happened to you?” I turned and saw in the mirror that besides being plastered in sweat, my lip was swollen and I had couple of huge bruises starting to show on my chest…I turned back to him and said, “Just beat the fuck out of you boyfriend”. He laughed out loud and shook his head, “I kept telling him that this temper was going to bite him in the ass”, and then he patted the naked guy he was with on the ass and dismissed him and joined me as we made our way back to the gym.
Slipping back into his shorts he asked,“So what do you want me to do?”
“I want you to show him who the boss is”. I said, “Time to give a little”. Mike’s face twisted into a devilish smirk and he shook his head and said, “You sick, fucker, I like how you think”.
He struggled against his restraints, he cursed and spat and made threats. His voice was cracking as he shouted. Karl told him to shut up or he’d gag him.
Mike 2 was surrounded on all sides by a group of horny guys with only one thought in mind…and then, Mike 1 sauntered over, his cock hard, thick and upright. He jumped up to the lip of the rope, shoved his cock in his buddy’s face and said, “You little bitch, I’ve been waiting for this”, and then he cock whipped his buddy’s face with his member while a cheer went up and from the crowd.
I reached out and tore Mike 2’s tights exposing his sweet ass, and semi-hard rod; more cheers. Then Karl took his place and with out any fanfare, he began beating on his butt with a thick wooden paddle, the kind of thing you’d see on the wall of a frat house. He must have given him six or seven brutal slaps with the board and when he was through, Mike’s ass was red. Jon stepped up next, his black tights swelling with excitement. The little stud slathered some lube on to his left hand and started shoving his fingers into Mike’s ass. Immediately,he cried out in pain, louder than he had when being paddled, Jon smiled, his bicep bulging in his arm as he continued spreading the bastard’s tight hole, getting it ready for what was to come.
I pulled Ray Ray aside now. His thick black hair was swept back, held down by sweat. He looked at me as I talked to him, his handsome face made all the more sexy by the purple bruise under his left eye, someone gave him a shiner during the festivities and I am sure this tough stud would wear that with pride. It seemed weird, but I shook his hand and he accepted it. Then I said, “So, why don’t you go in first? I hear that your packing some major equipment, might as well break the bitch in but good.”
Ray Ray reached into his tights and yanked out his cock. My mouth dropped when I saw the obscenely proportioned organ – it was as thick as a beer can, and long enough to do some damage.
“I like it when I make them cry”, he said with out a hint of irony, as he stroked his rod.
turned from me and called Mike 1 over, for a second the two young bucks stood toe to toe and then I heard Ray Ray say, “Let’s give that pussy what he deserves”. Mike smiled, his thick five o clock shadow looking more like a beard now, and then he and Ray Ray made their way over to Mike 2.
They undid Mike 2’s ropes and cuffs, cut him free, he fell onto the mat until Mike lifted him up by his hair, “What are you doing?” Mike 2 asked, his voice cracking, Mike 1 turned his head for a second and looked out at the group of men watching, he lifted his right arm and made a fist and a roar went up. Then he punched his buddy in the face while still holding onto his head by the hair. Ray Ray laughed out loud as he made his way behind the beaten punk. He wasted no time as he put a condom on his huge dick, and then slathered the weapon with lube. Looking over to me he winked and said, cockily, “Watch this”. And with that, he rammed his piece up Mike’s virgin ass. This was followed by an ungodly scream of pain, that was followed by an equally ungodly roar of approval from the dudes surrounding the ring .
I watched in rapt attention. Ray Ray’s body was a-gleam with sweat, his compact frame bulging with muscle as he plowed his victim…he said something loudly in
Spanish as he pulled Mike in closer by yanking him back by the shoulders. Meanwhile, Mike 2’s face was a mask of pain, tears fell from his eyes, his mouth hung open in a silent scream as saliva dripped forth. And while he was probably unaware of it, Mike 1’s cock was pointed at his mouth, a long rope of pre-cum hanging off of it…I could not take my eyes off the scene, and was slowly stroking my cock which was so ready to burst it actually hurt. Rick was at my side, his own stalk solid, his breath as frenzied as mine, he grabbed for my piece and held it tight and said softly in the direction of the action, “Yeah, hurt that maggot!”
I breathed in deep, the smell of sweat was strong, overwhelming like an expensive cologne…Rick was rubbing his cock against my ass now, his breath hot on my neck as I watched the dark haired man doing his dance-like sexual assault on the victim … out of the corner of my eye, I saw that Karl had his cock deep inside of Jess while Erick and Jon were taking turn’s at that blond guy’s mouth … all around me the gym was awash in sexual activity, impromptu fucking on the mats, cocks whipped out while eyes watched the goings on in the ring, men sucking or getting sucked off.
Finally, Rick and I made our way to Ray Ray’s side. I reached around him and started tweaking his nipples, loving the feel of his thick chest, and his ass as it slammed back into my crotch while he fucked. He smelled of musk, it was an incredibly erotic sensation. I could hear him cursing under his breath in Spanish, he turned his head and said “Kiss me papi”, we locked lips and he gave me his tongue and made a loud moaning sound. When I pulled back, I could see Rick and Mike 1 kissing each other, both of them taking turns face fucking Mike 2’s mouth.
“OK, I broke him in for you”, Ray Ray said, pulling back
The tough stud gave Mike’s ass a hard slap and then pointed at it as I slipped on a Trojan and lubed up. I switched spots with Ray Ray, and grabbed on to Mike 2’s thighs, pulling him into me and my cock – I slipped in easily and was amazed at how hot and tight the fucker’s hole actually was.
He let out another yell and I threw my head back relishing the rush of pleasure that coursed through my body. I felt familiar hands caressing my own torso; Rick was at my side, his body covered in sweat, his muscles bulging, his cock standing straight up…He reached out and pulled at my hair and yanked my head back. We kissed violently and it was good. I rammed Mike harder than before and heard him groan in pain, he could not say anything because now Karl was fucking his face – his body also in high relief due to the perspiration that covered it. Around me, the gym was alive. Dozens of men were gathered, most fucking or sucking someone else…I looked ahead and caught a glimpse of the older guy from earlier in the night, he had one of his muscular arms around Steve’s head, pushing the kid into his left pec…all the while, his steely gaze met mine, his face a cruel smile…other faces now, all becoming a blur as I went in deeper, using the guy who had challenged me earlier as nothing more than a prop to bust my nut… Rick was jerking off at my side and he shot his load and let out a bellow as his sticky sweet juice shot all over Mike 2’s back … Elliot was shoving his cock up Jess’s ass, lifting him up off the floor as he did so…Jon and Eric were jerking each other off…Karl was kissing Mike 1 while they both took turns fucking Mike 2’s mouth…the older guy now had Steve hunched over and was fucking him, I could hear Steve’s screams of pain above the din, and then I felt Ray Ray put his arms around me, his cock banging up against my ass, and with that I shot my own load and surrendered to the waves of pleasure that engulfed me, the room went gray, sounds become muffled for a second as I transcended everything and everyone as my orgasm screeched through my body, I pulled Mike 2 roughly by his hair and howled in both triumph and pleasure…and then, slowly, I came back to earth.
As I stumbled back to a corner of the ring I watched as Mike 2 was released from his bonds, and laid on the mat, and one by one, the others took turns at his ass. Karl fucked him fast and furious, Jon flipped him over and rode his ass, Eric took his singlet off, and tied it around Mike’s throat gagging him, and then fucked his mouth, cum and spit ran down the punks' face – finally Ray Ray got back into the action. He banged him roughly and when he came, he pulled out and shot a magnificent load all over him…
Once more I looked around the gym at this strange brotherhood, these handsome faces, these sexual outlaws, this brotherhood of man that I belonged to…finally Rick at my side, I made my way out of the ring and was soon joined by others as we headed for the showers…