The job entailed problem solving for less fortunate families in a very rural section of New Jersey. Many of the folks I served were poor, un-educated and generally ill equipped to deal with the many problems that modern life can heap upon the rank and file.
The VanRay brothers were part of this special case-load. Jimmy and Aaron VanRay lived in, what is best described as a shack, in rural Cumberland County New Jersey. They'd both been in trouble with the law since anyone could remember, their folks long gone, and their prospects seemed dim at best.
I met the VanRay brothers when they came into my office. The oldest, Jimmy was a tough customer; he was out on parole for breaking and entering and wanted desperately to avoid anymore time in jail. When he was younger he'd spent several years in juvie and a year before I got his case he had spent six months in county lock up for drug possession. Meanwhile, his little brother, Aaron, just six months after his 18th birthday was staring at a drunk driving conviction as well as a suspended license.
The brothers came to me to plead their case. They wanted their transgressions forgiven so that they could move on...or so they said.
If memory serves, Jimmy put it thusly, "We been fucked-over since Mamma left ten years ago. Now alls I got left is my baby brother and I don't want for him to be no cocksucker in prison. Aint there something we can do to take car of these problems with out going to jail?"
I sighed as I measured up these two pieces of white trash. Jimmy with his jet black hair and beard and those crazed looking eyes of his. He looked like a toned down Charles Manson, or a biker dude with out a bike. Aaron, on the other hand, was one of those angels with dirty faces. A head full of beautiful blond hair and piercing blue eyes, you could drown in those eyes ... but I had work to do.
A quick review of this case proved that the Brother's VanRay were going to have to really clean up their collective ways if they did not want the courts to lock them away. I told them what had to be done. I explained that Aaron had to go into rehab, pronto while Jimmy was going to have to agree to fifteen hours a day of community service as well as entering a work program and agree to random drug testing.
I might as well have told them that they had to sing Lithuanian folk songs.
Jimmy's spooky eyes seemed to darken when he said, "Sir, I can’t be doing all that, whose gonna take care of my baby brother? And Aaron, he aint got no call to be sitting around with stoners and boozers. Aint there something else we can do?"
Aaron smiled at me and winked.
I had a feeling that I knew what was coming next and then Jimmy sealed it, "My little brother he'd take nice care of you," he said, his voice dripping with promise, "I mean we aint no faggots, but Jimmy can give head like a fucking hooker, I should know. He's been sucking my wad for years... "
In my mind's eye I saw the blond angel going down on me, lapping and slurping while his big brother stood above us, cock dripping wet. Maybe while I was getting head, I could watch Jimmy fuck Aaron; that would have been hot...
"Sorry boys", I said as I moved in closer to my desk not wanting the hard-on I was sporting to be revealed, "that is not going to fly", I handed them the documents and explained that if they'd not agree to the terms, they'd both be in lock up in twenty four hours.
The Brothers stood, and with a dejected look Aaron took the papers from my desk; yes he was beautiful. Jimmy just shrugged and said, "Could have been fun, man." and they headed for my office door -- oh yes, I checked out their packages and their butts...not to shabby...but, well blue balls be damned, everyone has a moral line they do not cross, but damned if I did not lock myself in the bathroom for an hour after the VanRay brothers left dreaming up my own little white trash fantasy…
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