I had three buddies, and we'd been sharing sexual escapades for some time. When your 18 and horny, and have friends who feel the same way, you are sated; but soon, something else comes into play, a yearning for something beyond getting your rocks off.

He had the heart of a poet, the angular face of an angel, and the libido of a porn-star. The total package in my book.
So when he told me that he loved me, you could have knocked me over with a feather...
We were driving home from a movie, cruising with the windows down, it was an unseasonably warm November night, the moon was full and it seemed to be keeping up with the car. As I maneuvered my old Dodge Charger towards town, Stu said, "Hey turn down Backstage Road."
I knew what that meant.
Backstage road, was a rarely used county lane that ran into the thick of the woods. It was the premier spot for people who wanted to do anything far from prying eyes.
Before to long, we were parked, the car set back from the road near a cluster of tall pine trees.
The car was big enough for the both of us to recline in the back seat. The front seats folded forward giving us ample leg room. He lay with his head in the crook of my arm, sucking on a joint. I looked down at his heavily lidded eyes, his blue/black hair that seemed to catch the moon's rays. Man, that fucking moonlight was really doing a number on me.
Handing me the joint he said softly, "This is great...I could die here. Right here and now, that's how perfect this is." And then he sat up and kissed me gently , pausing so that his tongue could trace the outline of my lips...I felt little bursts of pleasure with each lick...and then he kissed my chin...worked his way down to my chest, unbuttoning my shirt he handed me the joint which I took while he began kissing and licking at my chest. When he found my left nipple, he bit down on it lightly making me gasp, which caused me to cough because my lungs were full of the illicit smoke.
He looked up at me and chuckled and took the joint from me, grabbed one more quick hit and flicked it out the window and the returned his attention to my chest.
Now he was on the right nipple, biting it, sucking it, making me squirm in anticipatory pleasure.
Slowly he continued, his head going down further until he got to my crotch. I lifted his head, and quickly undid my jeans, shoving them down to my knees and with that he began licking my cock. Again I gasped as i felt his hot breath on my member...as he licked at it, his hands came up to my tits again and he began working on them in earnest while I threw my head back and for a fleeting second, my eyes were filled with moonlight...and then he went down on me.

"I love you".
Before I could react, he went back to my cock, only this time while he sucked me, he wormed one of his hands under my ass and began finger fucking me.
"Ah, you fucker", I said out loud and again, he paused and chuckled and then went back to my throbbing cock. I was in an ecstatic state by now .
A few minutes later he stopped and crawled on top of me, we kissed long and hard, and in between the kisses he said, very softly, "I meant what I said."
That's when I said, "Let's get out of the car".
Taking a blanket from the trunk, we made our way deeper into the woods until we hit a spot next to some trees and after we unfurled the sheet on the ground below us we drew into each other's arms. We kissed in an unbridled fashion, this was real, we kissed like lovers, not like horny teenagers, this was real, every inch of my body seemed alive and alert as Stu's hands worked up and down my chest...yes, this was real.
In spite of the time of year, we tossed our shirts aside and then peeled our jeans off and did the same with them.

Again, I could have been knocked over with a feather.
Oddly enough, instead of embracing like lovers, we playfully charged each other and began wrestling around on the blanket...but this wasn't the brutal power-play stuff that Chris had taught us, no, this was something much more rollicking; as we became entangled we both were laughing, enjoying the feeling of each other's body.
Eventually we found ourselves locked face to face, arms tightly entwined and the jocular wrestling soon became serious sex.
His mouth found mine and soon we were attached, making out, while never undoing our arms. We rolled back and forth as our tongues slammed and slurped at each other...meanwhile, our cocks grew solid causing the underwear that we were both sill wearing to tent obscenely...
I rolled onto my back while Stu mounted my chest, he let his cock out of his briefs and caught the precum that was dripping from his piss-slit and gently rubbed it onto my nipples. I looked up at him, his sinewy body so lithe, his eyes still catching the moon light, his thick sensuous lips slightly parted...and then he pinched my nipples and white hot bolts of pleasure shot through my body...and with that he let go and slipped his crotch up to my mouth where I willingly took his cock.
Supporting himself in a push up position, he went up and down, fucking my face, and all the while he muttered how good this was, and how good it felt. I let my free hand go down to my briefs and fondled my own cock while blowing him.
When he pulled out of my mouth, he rolled off of me and got on his back, resting his head on his arms which he folded back behind himself. I gazed down at him and then started kissing his thighs, and every time I did this, he'd shudder slightly. When I got to his underwear, I pryed them down revealing a thick dark patch of pubic hair. I lowered my self to his fur and it smelled like him, but even more so. It worked on my like an aphrodisiac, filling me with desire...I started licking at his balls. Finally I got to his impressive cock and took it in my mouth. I deep-throated him, tasting him, wanting him to blow his load into me.
While I sucked him off, he continued moaning and muttering until his voice seemed at one with this oddly temperate November night.
When he got on his knees and offered me his ass, I told him to stand up and moved him over to a tree where he supported himself, hands pressed up against the mighty oak. I spit on my cock and rubbed the head against his asshole, meanwhile he slowly moved his beautiful butt taunting me, "Want some? Come on, come and get it".
I slipped into him and his taunts ended as he yelled out, "Damn!" and then he chuckled again...as I fucked him, I brought my hands under him to his chest and began pinching his tits, he started pushing his ass closer to me, meeting my thrusts. Every now and again he'd turn and look at me, and his face looked so gorgeous in the silver and red moon shine, and I wanted him so bad, so I fucked him harder and at one point I grabbed him by his hair and pulled him back until he stood up straight and he turned his head and we kissed sloppily...
We switched off, and now I was at the tree while Stu was deep inside of me, his member like some kind of snake pulsating in my very being. He did like I had done earlier and found my nipples and began twisting and pinching them; my own cock was spitting venom now; precum sprayed on the dead leaves below and I said his name out loud...
He pulled out of me and we went back to the blanket. We faced each other while on our knees, we held each other with our free arms and jerked off, and just before we

Then we fell to the blanket, and we laughed.
It was a laughter borne of relief and realization. We both knew that something between us was now out in the open.
And it felt good to acknowledge it.
We lay on the blanket for some time, the both of us watching the moon overhead. Somewhere an owl screeched in the night and I pulled him closer.
Strangely, the night felt even warmer than it had earlier...
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